Aptitude - Ratios Online Quiz

Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Ratios. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Q 1 - X's money is to Y's money as 5:7 and Y's money is to Z's money as 3:4 .If X has Rs.900, Z has

A - 1620

B - 1640

C - 1660

D - 1680

Answer : D


X:Y = 5:7 = 15:21, Y:Z = 3:4 = 21:28
X:Y:Z = 15:21:28
X:Z = 15:28
800:Z = 15:28
 =>Z = Rs.1680.

Q 2 - Rs. 960 was divided among three sons Qavi, Shafi and Rafi. If each of them had received Rs 45 less, their shares would have been in the ratio of 3:5:7. What was the amount received by Qavi?

A - 275

B - 260

C - 320

D - 210

Answer : D


Total =Rs.960
If each of them receives Rs.45 less then 960-(45*3) =825
Ratio being 3:5:7
Qavi's amount = (3x) +45=(3*55)+45=Rs.210

Q 3 - If A=(1/3)B and B=(1/2)C, then A:B:C =?

A - 1:3:6

B - 2:3:6

C - 3:2:6

D - 3:1:2

Answer : A


A/B = 1/3 and B/C =1/2
∴ A :B = 1 :3 and B :C = 1:2 = 3:6
∴ A :B :C = 1 :3:6

Q 4 - If x/5=y/8,then (x+5):(y+8)=?

A - 3:5

B - 3:8

C - 8:5

D - 5:8

Answer : D


Let x/5=y/8 = k ,then x = 5k and y = 8k
&therw4; x+5/y+8 = 5k+5 / 8k +8  = 5(k+1)/ 8(k+1) = 5/8
=> (x+5) : (y+8 ) = 5:8

Q 5 - In a school, the proportion of young men and young ladies is 4:5 . at the point when 100 young lady leaves the school , the proportion gets to be 6:7 . What are number of young men are there in the school?

A - 1300

B - 1200

C - 1500

D - 1600

Answer : B


Let the number of boys and girls be 4x and 5x respectively.
      Then,4x/5x-100=6/7?28x=30x-600 =>2x=600 => x=300.
Number of  boys=(4*300)=1200.

Q 6 - Two no. are in the extent 3/2 :8/3, when each of these are extended by 15 , their extent gets the chance to be 5/3 :5/2 . The greater of the no. is :

A - 27

B - 36

C - 48

D - 64

Answer : C


Ratio of the given numbers = 3/2:8/3 = 9 :16
Let the numbers be 9x and 16 x, Then,
 (9x+15)/ (16 x+15) = (5/3)/ (5/2) =2/3
=>  3(9x+15)= 2 (16x+15)
=>  5x= 15  =x= 3.
 ∴ Larger no.= (16*3)= 48

Q 7 - What ought to be added to each of the four numbers 6, 14, 18, 38 to make them corresponding?

A - 1

B - 2

C - 3

D - 4

Answer : B


Let the number to be added be x. Then,
6+X/14+x=  18+x/38+x
=>  (6+x) (38+x)= (14+ x) (18 +x)
=>  228 +44x+x<sup>2</sup> = 252+32x+x<sup>2</sup>
= 12x=24 
=>  x=2 .
∴ the required number is 2.

Q 8 - Rs. 355 were separated among A, B,C in a manner that A had Rs. 20 more than B and C had Rs.15 all the more than A . What amount was C offer?

A - 100

B - 120

C - 135

D - 150

Answer : C


Suppose B gets Rs. X. Then, A gets Rs. (x+20) and C gets Rs. (x+35)
∴ x+20+x+x+35= 355 => 3x=300 
 ∴ C share= (100+35) =135.

Q 9 - Some cash is isolated among A, B and C in a manner that 5 times An offer ,3 times of B's offer and 2 times C offer are all equivalent . The proportion between the offer of A, B, c is:

A - 5:3:2

B - 2:2:5

C - 15:10:6

D - 6:10:15

Answer : D


Let 5A= 3B= 2C=k. Then,
A = k/5, B = k/3 and C = k/2
∴ A:B:C =k/5 :k/3:k/2 =6:10:15.

Q 10 - In a blend of 60 liters, the proportion of milk and water is 2:1. In the event that this proportion. Is to be 1:2, the amount of water to be further included is:

A - 20 liters

B - 30 liters

C - 40 liters

D - 60 liters

Answer : D


Quantity of milk=(60*2/3) liters =40 liters ,Water in it 20 liters.
Let the required quantity of water to be added be x liters.
Then , 40/20+x=1/2 
∴Water to be added=60 liters.