Aptitude - Co-ordinate Geometry Online Quiz

Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Co-ordinate Geometry. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Q 1 - In which quadrant does the point (4, - 6) lies?

A - First

B - second

C - third

D - fourth

Answer : D


The point (4,-6) lies in 4th quadrant

Q 2 - The separation of the point p (8, - 6) from the beginning is:

A - 2 units

B - 14 units

C - 10 units

D - none of these

Answer : C


Op = √ (8-0)2+ (-6-0)2 = √64+ 36    = √100 =10 unit

Q 3 - The focuses A (0,6),B(- 5,3) and C(3,1) are the vertices of a triangle which is:

A - Isosceles

B - equilateral

C - scalene

D - right calculated

Answer : A


AB2= (-5-0) 2+ (3-6) 2= (-5) 2+ (-3) 2= (25+9) = 34
BC2= (3+5) 2+ (1-3) 2= (8) 2+ (-2) 2= 64+4 = 68
AC2= (3-0) 2+ (1-6) 2= (3) 2+ (-5) 2= 9+25 = 34
∴ AB= AC. Hence, ∆ABC is isosceles.

Q 4 - The focuses A (- 3, 0), B (1, - 3) and C (4, 1) are the vertices of

A - An equilateral triangle

B - an isosceles right angle triangle

C - a scalene triangle

D - None of these

Answer : B


AB2= (1+3) 2+ (-3-0) 2= 16+9= 25
BC2= (4-1) 2+ (1+3) 2=9+16= 25
AC2= (4+3) 2+ (1-0) 2= 49+1= 50
Clearly, AB= BC and AB2+BC2= AC2
∴ ∆ABC is ab isosceles right angle triangle.

Q 5 - In the event that the focuses A (2, 3), B (5, ℏ) and C (6, 7) are collinear, then ℏ=?

A - 4

B - 6

C - - 3/2

D - 11/4

Answer : B


Here x₁=2, x₂= 5, Xᴈ = 6, y₁ =3, y₂= ℏ and Yᴈ = 7
 ∆ = 1/2 [x₁(y₂-Yᴈ) +x₂(Yᴈ-y₁) +Xᴈ (y₁-y₂)]
 <= > 2(ℏ-7) +5(7-3) +6(3-ℏ) =0   4ℏ= 24  ℏ=6

Q 6 - Two vertices of a ∆abc are A (6, 4) and B (- 2, 2) and its centroid is G (3, 4). The directions of C are:

A - (4, 5)

B - (5, 3)

C - (5, 6)

D - (- 3, 3)

Answer : C


  Let the co- ordinates of C be (a, b). Then,
 1/3 (6-2+a) =3 and 1/3 (4+2+b) =4
 4+a=9 and 6+b=12  ⇒ a=5, b= 6

Q 7 - The slop of a flat line is

A - 0

B - 1

C - -1

D - none of these

Answer : A


The slop of a horizontal line is m= tan ℴ =0

Q 8 - On the off chance that for a line m= tan ℴ>0, then

A - ℴ= 0

B - ℴ is intense

C - ℴ= 90⁰

D - ℴ is inhumane

Answer : C


m tan ℴ>0 ⇒ℴ is acute.

Q 9 - The slop of a line going through the focuses A (3, - 1) and B (3, 2) is:

A - 0

B - 3

C - not characterized

D - none of these

Answer : C


Slop = (y₁ ?y₂)/( x₁-x₂) = (2+1)/ (3-3) = 3/0, which is not defined

Q 10 - The lines 3x-4y+6 =0 and 4x+3y-10 =0 are mutually.

A - Parallel

B - perpendicular

C - opposite

D - none of these

Answer : D


3x-4y+6 = 0 ⇒ 4y = 3x+6 ⇒ y =3x/4 +3/2
 4x+3y -10 =0 ⇒ 3y= -4x+10 ⇒ y = -4x/3 + 10/3
 ∴ m₁ = 3/4 and m₂ = -4/3. So, m₁m₂= -1
