Aptitude - Averages Online Quiz

Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Averages. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Q 1 - If in a class room r boys is the average age in a year. What should be the average of remaining boys if b is the average age of s boys out of them?

A - (ra-sb)/(r-s)

B - (ra-sb)/(s-b)

C - (sa-sb)/(b-s)

D - (ra-sb)/(r+s)

Answer : A


r boys have the sum of the age = (ra ) years.
s  boys have the sum of the age = (sb) years.
(r-s) boys have the sum of the ages = (ra-sb)
(r-s) boys have the average of the ages = (ra-sb)/ (r-s).

Q 2 - 15 year is the average age of 24 boys and their teacher also. The average became 14 years if we leave the teacher age. In that case what should be the age of teacher?

A - 67 years

B - 34 years

C - 45 years

D - 39 years

Answer : D


24 boys and 1 teacher have sum of the ages= (15*25) =375 years
24 boys have the sum of the ages =  (24*14) =336 years.
Its proves that the age of the teacher =  (375- 336)= 39 years.

Q 3 - 38.6°C is the average temperature of 4 first day of the week while 40.3°C is the average of last 4 days in a week. Find out the temperature on Thursday if 39.1°C is average of whole week?

A - 23°

B - 45°

C - 41.9°

D - 50°

Answer : C


M+T+W+Th = (38.6*4)= 154.4 ...(i)
T+W+Th+F = (40.3*4) =161.2 ...(ii)
M+T+W+Th+F+S+Su =(39.1*7) =273.7 ...(iii)
(i)+(ii) –(iii) we find that ,  (154.4+161.2- 272.7) =41.9°C
∴ 41.9 °C was the temperature on Thursday.

Q 4 - A hostel have 35 students if 42 student became in the hostel then expenditure on per student increase and became Rs. 42 per head while Rs. 1 reduce in the average expenditure. Find out the expenditure per day at the present time?

A - Rs 410

B - Rs 210

C - Rs 220

D - Rs 420

Answer : D


If x is the  original expenditure , then
x/35- (x+42)/42 = 1 =. 6x -5(x+42)= 210 ⇒ x= 420
∴ original expenditure  = Rs. 420

Q 5 - With the average of 12.4 takes 5 wickets by use of 26 run. A player has 0.4 downfalls in his average. What should be the number of wicket taken by him before the last match played?

A - 85

B - 23

C - 45

D - 67

Answer : A


x is the number of wickets taken a player  before the last match played.
Then, (12.4x+26)/(x+5) =12 ⇒ 12.4x+26 =12x+60 ⇒ 0.4x =34
⇒ 0.4x =34 ⇒ x= 34/0.4 ⇒ x =340/4 = 85.
Wickets required = 85.

Q 6 - Drinks were done by 6 persons. Out of them 5 person paid 32 Rs. each, Rs. 80 more paid by the 6th person in the comparison of average expenditure of all. Find out the total amount paid by 6 persons?

A - Rs 288

B - Rs 290

C - Rs 295

D - Rs 300

Answer : A


if x is the average  expenditure  of 6 person.
(32*5)+(x+80)= 6x = 5x = (160+80) = 5x= 240 ⇒ x = 48
Total expenditure  = 48*6  =288 Rs.

Q 7 - The average of runs of a cricket player of 10 innings was 32. How many runs must he make in his next innings so as to increase his average of runs by 4?

A - 2

B - 70

C - 4

D - 76

Answer - D


Average after 11 innings = 36. 
Therefore Required number of runs = (36 x 11) - (32 x 10) = 396 - 320 = 76.

Q 8 - Of the four numbers, the first is twice the second, the second is one-third of the third and the third is 5 times the fourth. The average of the numbers is 24.75. The largest of these numbers is?

A - none

B - 9

C - 25

D - 30

Answer - A


Let the fourth number be z. 
then, third number = 5z, second number = 5z3 and first number = 10z3 
z + 5z + 5z3 + 10z3 = (24.75 x 4) or 11z = 99 or z = 9 
So, the numbers are 9, 45, 15, and 30. 
Therefore Largest number = 45.

Q 9 - The average age of 8 men is increased by 2 years when two of them whose ages are 21years and 23 years are replaced by two new men. The average age of the two new men is?

A - 22

B - 28

C - 30

D - 24

Answer - C


Total age increased = (8 x 2) years = 16 years. 
Sum of ages of two new men = (21 + 23 + 16) years = 60 years 

Therefore age of two new men = 602 = 30 years.

Q 10 - The salary of all the workers in a workshop is Rs. 8000. The average salary of 7 technicians is Rs. 12000 and the average salary of the rest is Rs. 6000. The total number of workers in the workshop is?

A - 21

B - 20

C - 22

D - 23

Answer - A


Let the number of workers be z. Then, 

8000z = (12000 x 7) + (6000) (z - 7) = 2000z = 42000 = z = 21