• Selenium Video Tutorials

Selenium WebDriver - Record & Playback

Selenium Webdriver can not be used directly for record and playback. Selenium Components are often referred to as a suite of Selenium tools. There are a total of four tools which are together called the Selenium Components. The various components of Selenium are listed below −

  • Selenium IDE

  • Selenium RC

  • Selenium Webdriver

  • Selenium Grid

Selenium IDE

For the record and play feature, we would require the use of Selenium IDE.

Selenium Integrated Development Environment(IDE) is an important part of the Selenium suite. It was first developed as a Firefox plugin, however now it is available in both Firefox and Chrome browser. Some of the features of Selenium IDE are listed below −

  • The recording, debugging, executing and editing of the functional tests can be done in Selenium IDE.

  • The scripts in Selenium IDE are developed in Selenese which is a scripting language in Selenium.

  • Selenium IDE commands help us to perform tasks like clicking a button or link, taking input in an edit box, obtaining a text from a webelement and so on.

  • Selenium IDE tests can be converted to formats like Java, C#, Python, TestNG, and so on. Its default format is in .html.

  • Selenium IDE tests can be exported and used in Selenium Webdriver and Selenium RC.

  • Selenium IDE does not require technical or programming knowledge. Hence it can be used only testing simple scenarios and not used to cover any complex use cases.

  • Selenium IDE does not give the feature of parameterization of tests for data driven testing.

  • Maintenance of objects and other reusable components are difficult in Selenium IDE, in case it is being used for complex testing projects

The latest version of Selenium IDE is available as extensions for both Chrome and Firefox. In order to create tests on Selenium IDE, the basic prerequisite would be to download the Chrome or Firefox extension for Selenium IDE from their respective web stores.

The steps to create a test in Selenium IDE to illustrate a record and playback feature are listed below −

Open Selenium IDE

Step 1 − Click on the Selenium IDE extension visible on the browser after its installation.

Selenium Record Playback 1

Step 2 − Selenium IDE should be launched along with it, a welcome message should be displayed with the version of the tool. In the below image, the version installed is 3.17.2.

Along with this, it gives us the option to select what we would like to do with the tool, like Record a new test in a new project, Open an existing project, Create a new project, and Close Selenium IDE.

Also, a link with the text - the Selenium IDE project page is provided, which on clicking would land us to the Selenium Integrated Development Environment documentation page.


Selenium Record Playback 2

Step 3 − We would click on the option Record a new test in a new project. After which we would need to enter the PROJECT NAME, say SeleniumIDE1. Finally, we would click OK.

Selenium Record Playback 3

Recording a Test

Step 1 − Before starting with creating a test in Selenium IDE, we would need to specify the application Base URL, where we would record and create the test. In the below image, we had entered the Base URL: https://www.tutorialspoint.com/selenium/. Finally, we would need to click on the Start Recording.

Selenium Record Playback 4

Step 2 − The corresponding application whose Base URL had been provided previously should be opened with Selenium IDE logo and Selenium IDE recording message in red. Also, a red icon (highlighted in the below image) should be visible at the top of the Selenium IDE, denoting recording is in progress in the application.

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Step 3 − We would perform some steps on the application and corresponding steps would be recorded in the Selenium IDE as well.

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Step 4 − Once all the tests have been performed, we would stop the recording by clicking on the red icon as mentioned above in Step5. After which, we would need to enter a name for the test. In the below image, we had entered the TEST NAME as TestCase1. Finally, we would click on the OK.

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Step 5 − All the steps that we had performed on the application would be recorded in the Selenium IDE under the Command, Target, and Value fields. Also, the test case name - TestCase1, would be visible to the left pane along with a REC button to the top right.

Selenium Record Playback 8

Step 6 − Once the test would be created, we would be able to get the details on that step, by clicking on it. Once done, it would be visible under the Command, Target, and Value fields at the bottom. In the below example, we had clicked on the fourth step, where the values of Command, Target, and Value fields are type, id=name, and Selenium respectively. In this step, we had basically entered the text Selenium in an input box which was identified with the id locator having the value as name.

Selenium Record Playback 9

Step 7 − If we would click on the dropdown in the Target field, we would observe that Selenium IDE while recording was successful in capturing all the other locator values for an element. In the below example, we had clicked on the fourth step, where the values of Command, Target, and Value fields were type, id=name, and Selenium respectively. In this step, other locator values like the name, css, and so on for that element were visible within the Target dropdown.

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Step 8 − Once we would click on any step of the test we had created, we would get the details of the command and the action taken place, by navigating to the Reference tab at the below.

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Step 9 − We can right click on any step and get the option to manually insert a new command(for addition of a new step), cut, copy, clear, Toggle breakpoint(used for debugging) on a step, and so on.

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Playing back the Recorded Test

Step 1 − To run the test created, we would click on the Run current test button at the top as shown in the below image.

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In case, there are multiple tests, we would need to click on the Run all tests button as shown in the below image.

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In case there are breakpoints added to steps, we would need to click on the Step over current command button as shown in the below image where the steps 2, and 4 have breakpoints.

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Step 2 − We can control the speed of test execution using the Test execution speed button as shown in the below image .

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By default, the speed is set to Fast in Selenium IDE.

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Step 3 − Selenium IDE gives the option to Create, Open and Save a project using the icons at the top right upper corner as highlighted on the below image.

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We would Save our project and continue. Once saved, we would be required to give a Name and location where our project would be saved.

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Step 4 − We would run the test - TestCase1 using the Run current test button.

Analyze Test Result after Playback

Once the execution would be completed, we would get the message of the result. In case the test passed, we would get the message - <TEST NAME> completed successfully under the Log tab at the bottom of the Selenium IDE. Here, our test name was TestCase1, hence received the message - TestCase1 completed successfully.

Apart from that, all the test steps, along with the test case name turned green, reflecting a PASS for all the steps. All the steps which reflected under the Log tab, showed an OK in green.

Thus, in Selenium IDE, we would get the information about the test results both at the test step level and only if all the steps would be executed successfully, we would get a PASS at the test case level as well.

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This concludes our comprehensive take on the tutorial on Selenium Webdriver - Record & Playback. We’ve started with describing the Selenium IDE (since Selenium Webdriver can not be used directly for record & playback) and walked through how to open Selenium IDE, Recording a Test, Playing back the Recorded Test, and Analyze Test Result after Playback. This equips you with in-depth knowledge of the Selenium IDE. It is wise to keep practicing what you’ve learned and exploring others relevant to Selenium to deepen your understanding and expand your horizons.
