Selenium Webdriver - Pop-ups

A new pop-up window can open on clicking a link or a button. The webdriver by default has control over the main page, in order to access the elements on the new pop-up, the webdriver control has to be switched from the main page to the new pop-up window.


The methods to handle new pop-ups are listed below −

  • driver.current_window_handle − To obtain the handle id of the window in focus.

  • driver.window_handles − To obtain the list of all the opened window handle ids.

  • driver.swtich_to.window(< window handle id >) − To switch the webdriver control to an opened window whose handle id is passed as a parameter to the method.

Sign in with Apple Button

On clicking the Sign in with Apple button, a new pop-up opens having the browser title as Sign in with Apple ID Let us try to switch to the new pop-up and access elements there.

Code Implementation

The code implementation for the pop-ups is as follows −

from selenium import webdriver
driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path='../drivers/chromedriver')
#implicit wait time
#url launch
#identify element
s = driver.find_element_by_link_text("Click Here")
#current main window handle
m= driver.current_window_handle
#iterate over all window handles
for h in driver.window_handles:
#check for main window handle
   if h != m:
      n = h
#switch to new tab
print('Page title of new tab: ' + driver.title)
#switch to main window
print('Page title of main window: ' + driver.title)
#quit browser


Pop Ups

The output shows the message - Process with exit code 0 meaning that the above Python code executed successfully. First the page title of the new pop-up(obtained from the method title) - Sign in with Apple ID gets printed in the console. Next, after switching the webdriver control to the main window, its page title - Sign In | Indeed Accounts get printed in the console.
