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Software Testing - Storage Testing

Software Testing is conducted to ensure that software is working properly in all respects. The software storage testing is conducted to verify if it holds correct data in the suitable directories and there is enough space to stop unforeseen termination due to inadequate disk space.

What is Software Storage Testing?

The software storage testing is conducted to validate if the software is able to hold and read the data files in the proper directories. It also verifies whether there is sufficient space so that unanticipated termination does not take place because of stack overflow.

Objectives of Software Storage Testing

The objectives of the software storage testing are listed below −

  • The software storage testing is to detect the practical storage issues prior to deployment.
  • The software storage testing determines the characteristics of a software while a new hardware is installed or an existing one is being upgraded.
  • The software storage testing helps to reduce the minimum response time.
  • The software storage testing quickens the processing time.

Process of Software Storage Testing

The process of the software storage testing are listed below −

Step 1 − Identify the total disk storage. The testers get the idea of the entire memory available for the software to carry on with the next steps.

Step 2 − The total engaged and free disk space is gauged and observed. The testers get the idea of the current space which is available and occupied.

Step 3 − Post the estimation of the total free space, the test cases are created as per the customer requirements, and based on the numerous features of the software.

Step 4 − The test cases created in the previous are executed in this step.

Step 5 − Post the execution of test cases, the entire disk space consumed during the execution process is measured. The comparison of the estimated and actual usage of disk space is done and then analyzed.

Types of Software Storage Testing

The types of the software storage testing are listed below −

Application Testing − In this type of testing, the software response and wait time are evaluated.

Application Simulation − In this type of testing, the software peak storage for execution is evaluated.

Bench Marking − In this type of testing, the corrupt and incorrect data in the software are verified.


This concludes our comprehensive take on the tutorial on Software Storage Testing. We’ve started with describing what is software storage testing, what are the objectives of the software storage testing, what is the process of the software storage testing, and what are the types of the software storage testing. This equips you with in-depth knowledge of Software Storage Testing. It is wise to keep practicing what you’ve learned and exploring others relevant to Software Testing to deepen your understanding and expand your horizons.
