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Software Testing - Baseline Artifacts

Software development comprises several stages in the software development life cycle (SDLC). During this process, the developers use different software artifacts or documents which guide them to perform their tasks in a systematic manner. Some of these artifacts are the UML diagram, class diagrams, use case diagrams etc which describe the architecture or the way the software should work

What is a Baseline Artifact?

The term baseline artifact is taken from the configuration management. Baselining is providing all resources for the entire process of software development. In short, baseline artifacts refer to modifying the correct version of the software artifacts during the entire development process. It comprises the requirement specification documents, UML and class diagrams, software design and architecture documents, models etc.

Activities are Involved in Baseline Artifacts

The activities involved in baseline artifacts are listed below −

  • They are assigned to each team member depending on the nature of their work.
  • In case of any modifications needed in the baseline artifacts, their version numbers need to be updated.
  • After a review on a baseline artifact has been completed, the deviations are detected and those should be updated in it along with the date and the version number.
  • As these artifacts are used along with the software, further defects are detected at the time of integration. Those defects also need to be fixed.
  • Once all the updates are made, the baseline artifacts are sent for review and approvals.

Components of Baseline Artifact

The components of a baseline artifacts are listed below −

  • Artifact Name − It is a document or the artifact name.
  • Baseline Development Date − The due date by which the software development shall be completed.
  • Baseline Development Version − The name of the particular version of the artifact which has been completed till now and approved.
  • Baseline Test Date − The date on which the software testing along with defect fixes shall be completed.
  • Baseline Test Version − The version number of the artifact which has been completed and approved.
  • Baseline Integration Date − The date on which the integration of the modules have been completed and approved.
  • Baseline Integration Version − The version number of the artifact which satisfies all the conditions that have been approved.
  • Baseline Delivery Date − The date on which the shipping of an artifact to the customer has got approval.
  • Baseline Delivery Version − The artifact version which is ready to be shipped to customers.

Different Types of Configuration Baseline Documents

The different types of configuration baselines are listed below −

Functional Baseline Document − It points to the functional requirements of a software.

Allocated Baseline Document − It points to the functional, interface, and integration features of a software.

Product Baseline Document − It points to the functional and physical requirements of a configurable product.

Why is Baselining Artifacts Necessary?

Baselining artifact is necessary for the reasons listed below −

  • It determines if all the business rules have been made applicable while developing the software.
  • It gives the option for a backup plan at the time of testing and bug fixes.
  • It helps to bring in customer views and perspectives while developing the software.
  • It identifies if the GUI of the software is as per the end user requirements.
  • It ensures if the software prototypes were built as per the requirements.
  • It aligns the project requirements with the overall business.
  • It is done so that the requirements are reviewed and approved by the project stakeholders.
  • It identifies the project scope.
  • It defines the assessment criteria for a proper software development.


This concludes our comprehensive take on the tutorial on Software Baseline Artifacts. We’ve started with describing what is a baseline artifact, what activities are involved in baseline artifact, what are the components of a baseline artifact, what are the different types of configuration baselines, and why baselining artifacts are necessary. This equips you with in-depth knowledge of Software Baseline Artifacts. It is wise to keep practicing what you’ve learned and exploring others relevant to Software Testing to deepen your understanding and expand your horizons.
