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Software Testing - Passive Testing

The primary aim of the software testing is to detect as many bugs as possible in the software and to confirm that it is working correctly as per the customer requirements or specifications. Thus it works towards improving the overall software quality, and performance.

What is Software Passive Testing?

The software passive testing is done to evaluate, and monitor the characteristics of the software without directly communicating with it. This means that this type of testing does not include straight interaction with the web elements on a web page, for example clicking on a link or a button, typing text on an input box, selecting an option from a drop down etc. However, it depends on the various automation testing tools and the test script written with their help to collect information on the multiple parameters of the software listed below −

Performance − It gathers information on the memory leaks, memory utilization, response time etc.

Security − It gathers information on the various vulnerabilities, traffic examination, data mishandling etc.

Compliance − It gathers information on if the software is as per the regulations, standards, policies etc.

User behavior − It gathers information on the characteristics of the software with the end users.

Importances of Passive Testing Software

The importances of the software passive testing are listed below −

  • The software passive testing evaluates the attributes of the software under normal circumstances which helps to get an idea of its performance.
  • The software passive testing keeps a continuous watch on the software thereby helping to detect fine issues and differences which go undetected during the active testing phase.
  • The software passive testing gives stability, and reliability to the software which helps to maintain its performance for a long time.
  • The information collected during the passive testing phase helps to take important decisions on process improvements, optimizations, and planning of resources.
  • The software passive testing identifies all the potential risks to the software and assists in mitigating them.

Why is Software Passive Testing Performed?

The software passive testing is performed to get a detailed view on how the software will behave in a real life scenario. It is completely different from active testing where the software verification is done under the controlled environments.

The passive testing is very critical since it helps to detect defects which go uncovered during the active testing phase. It gives a better understanding of the software performance, and robustness than the active testing phase. By identifying the errors in the software early in the software development life cycle(SDLC), the passive testing helps to make more calculated decisions so that the software keeps working efficiently for a long time.

When is Software Passive Testing Performed?

The software passive testing are performed at the scenarios listed below −

  • The software passive testing keeps a track on the long term performance metrics namely the resource utilization, end user expectations, performance of the software for a period of time etc.
  • The software passive testing keeps a track on the minute performance loss, security threats, and other problems which otherwise go undetected. It is not only limited to keep a check on the software but also to collect data on how it behaves under normal circumstances, identifies its probable risk areas, and looks for optimization techniques for a longstanding performance.
  • The software passive testing observes how the customers communicate with the software under real world conditions, and usages.

Advantages of Software Passive Testing

The advantages of the software passive testing are listed below −

  • The software passive testing helps to get the actual picture of the performance of the software under normal, and real conditions which are absent in a test environment.
  • The software passive testing allows continued monitoring of the software, and its issues without affecting its usage.
  • The software passive testing helps to detect defects at the early stages of the SDLC, and reduces the possibility of detecting errors in the production.
  • The software passive testing helps to gather data on real world use cases and make important decisions on optimization, resource planning etc.
  • The software passive testing helps in efficient risk management by mitigating the security, reliability, performance risks, and improving the quality of the software.

Steps to Perform on Software Passive Testing

The steps to be performed on the software passive testing are listed below −

Step 1 − Identify the goal and keep a track on the software performance and customer behavior, identify security vulnerabilities, ensure that it is as per the standards.

Step 2 − Select the correct metrics and detect the particular information relevant to the identified goals, rate of issues encountered, utilization of resources, and end user characteristics.

Step 3 − Create a test environment which is similar to the production environment for correct data gathering.

Step 4 − Take the help of the correct monitoring tools, APIs, plugins etc to keep track of the software.

Step 5 − Configure the monitoring tools to collect the correct information.

Step 6 − Ensure the information collected on the software covers the various usage trends and times. The gathering of data is either an automated process or done continuously.

Step 7 − Evaluate the data collected, and take action wherever necessary.

Step 8 − Generate reports on the data collected to be shared with all the stakeholders.

Step 9 − Configure alerts wherever threshold limits are exceeded.

Step 10 − Take feedback and improve on the passive testing test strategy, tools, metrics etc.

Applications of Software Passive Testing Software

The applications of the software passive testing are listed below −

  • The software passive testing helps in keeping a track on the network traffic.
  • The software passive testing helps in keeping a track on the software performance, robustness, stability, reliability etc.
  • The software passive testing detects defects at the early stages of the SDLC.
  • The software passive testing helps in monitoring the customer behavior, and their usage of the software.
  • The software passive testing identifies all the potential security threats in the software.
  • The software passive testing helps in designing the test cases for active testing by gathering data on user behavior with the software.
  • The software passive testing assists in setting CI/CD development processes.

Difference Between Software Active and Passive Testing

The difference between the software active and passive testing is listed below −

Sr.No Active Testing Passive Testing
1 The testers actively communicate with the software to verify its performances and functionalities. The characteristics of the software is tracked without distributing the interactions of the software with its real users.


This concludes our comprehensive take on the tutorial on Software Passive Testing. We’ve started with describing what is software passive testing, what are the importances of the software passive testing, why the software passive testing is performed, when is the software passive testing is performed, what are the advantages of software passive testing, what are the steps to performed on the software passive testing, what are the applications of the software passive testing software, and what is the difference between the software active and passive testing. This equips you with in-depth knowledge of Software Passive Testing. It is wise to keep practicing what you’ve learned and exploring others relevant to Software Testing to deepen your understanding and expand your horizons.
