2D Objects Properties - Stroke Line Join

This property is of the type StrokeLineJoin, it represents the type of joining that is used at the edges of the shape. You can set the line join of the stroke using the method setStrokeLineJoin() as follows −


The stroke line join can be −

  • Bevel − The bevel join is applied to the joining of the edges of the shape (StrokeLineJoin.BEVEL).

  • Miter − The miter join is applied to the joining of the edges of the shape (StrokeLineJoin.MITER).

  • Round − The round join is applied to the joining of the edges of the shape (StrokeLineJoin.ROUND).

By default, the Stroke Line Joining a shape is miter. Following is a diagram of a triangle with different line join types −

Stroke Line Join