SAP Dashboards - Component Colors

You can set the color for each element of a component in the data model. Colors can be defined in the Appearance tab under the Properties pane. There are a wide range of colors available and you can also create your own custom colors.

How to Define a Color for an Element?

To define color for each element, select the element then → Go to Color Selector for each element. You can select the following sections in the color dialog box −

  • Theme Color − To define color of current theme.

  • Standard Color − These are group of basic colors.

  • Recent Color − This shows recently used colors.

Background Color Theme Color

How to Create Custom Colors for Elements?

If you want to create a custom color for an element, go to Color selector → More Colors.

Custom Color

Go to Custom Tab → Select RGB or HSL from the dropdown list.

Custom Tab

You can select Red, Green and Blue values for RGB and Hue, Sat and Lum for HSL. Once the custom color is selected, click OK to apply the color to that specific component.

Color Model