• PHP Video Tutorials

PHP libxml_get_errors() Function

Definition and Usage

XML is a mark-up language to share the data across the web, XML is for both human read-able and machine read-able. The libXMLError class contains the errors thrown by the libxml library.

The libxml_get_errors() function is used to retrieve the errors in a XML string or document.


SimpleXMLElement:: libxml_get_errors();


This function does not accept any parameters.

Return Values

This function returns an array of objects of the type LibXMLError, each object representing an array in the given XML file/string.

If there are no errors in the specified XML this function returns an empty string.

PHP Version

This function was first introduced in PHP Version 5 and works in all the later versions.


Following example demonstrates the usage of the libxml_get_errors() function.

            $str = "<Data xmlns:ns='http://test.com/data'> 
            </Data> "; 
            $doc = simplexml_load_string($str);

            if ($doc === false) {
               $errors = libxml_get_errors();	
               print("Errors: ");			
               echo "<br><br>";

This will produce following result −

Errors: Array ( 
   [0] => LibXMLError Object (
      [level] => 3 [code] => 76 
      [column] => 30 
      [message] => Opening and ending tag mismatch: Employee line 2 and Employee 
      [file] => 
      [line] => 6 
   [1] => LibXMLError Object ( 
      [level] => 3 [code] => 76 
      [column] => 31 
      [message] => Opening and ending tag mismatch: City line 2 and test 
      [file] => [line] => 11 


Following is an example of this function −





            $xml = simplexml_load_file("data.xml");
            if ($xml === false) {
               $errors = libxml_get_errors();	
               print("Errors: ");			
               foreach($errors as $ele) {        
                  echo "<br><br>";

This will produce the following output −

Errors: LibXMLError Object ( 
   [level] => 3 
   [code] => 76 
   [column] => 15 
   [message] => Opening and ending tag mismatch: Version line 7 and Tutorial [file] => trail.xml 
   [line] => 8 
LibXMLError Object ( 
   [level] => 3 
   [code] => 76 
   [column] => 28 
   [message] => Opening and ending tag mismatch: Author line 7 and test 
   [file] => trail.xml [line] => 13 
LibXMLError Object ( 
   [level] => 3 
   [code] => 76 
   [column] => 13 
   [message] => Opening and ending tag mismatch: Version line 7 and Tutorials 
   [file] => trail.xml 
   [line] => 23 
LibXMLError Object ( 
   [level] => 3 
   [code] => 74 
   [column] => 13 
   [message] => EndTag: ' trail.xml [line] => 23 