• PHP Video Tutorials

PHP - Hash final() Function

Definition and Usage

The hash_final() function returns the final message digest.

A message digest is a hash with lowercase hexits (lowercase hexidecimals) that is generated using the hash algorithms. It is mainly used to secure the data so that the message or data send is not changed.


hash_final ( HashContext $context [, bool $raw_output = FALSE ] ) : string


Sr.No Parameter & Description

HashContext context

The hash context that you get using hash_init().



It takes true or false as value. If true it will give you lowercase hexits otherwise raw binary data. By default the value is true.

Return Values

PHP hash_final() function returns a string that has calculated message digest of hexits in lowercase. If false is passed as raw_output, the output will be a string with raw binary data.

PHP Version

This function will work from PHP Version greater than 5.1.2.

Example 1

Using hash_final −

   $hash_context = hash_init('md5');
   hash_update($hash_context, 'Testing php');
   hash_update($hash_context, ' hash functions.');
   echo hash_final($hash_context);


This will produce the following result −


Example 2

Using hash_final with raw_output as true −

   $hash_context = hash_init('md5');
   hash_update($hash_context, 'Testing php');
   echo hash_final($hash_context, true); 