ReactJS - isElementOfType()

React JS is a tool for making computer applications. It breaks down the program into different parts called components. Each component has its own timeline. React gives us some special tools that we can use at specific points in the timeline of a component.

So we will learn about the "isElementOfType()" tool. This tool checks if something is a React component. If it is, it says "true."




  • element − It is a React element to which we have to check that it is a React element or not.

  • componentClass − This is the kind of React component we are checking for. It is like a description of what the component should be like.

Return Value

It returns a boolean value. It returns true if the element is a React element with a React componentClass type. Otherwise it returns false.


Example − Simple React App

Now let us create a React app using the isElementOfType function. We have a React component named "App" with a button. The "checkElement" method is called when we click the button. This function verifies that an element with the ID 'myElement' is a React component of type "MyComponent" and the console logs the message.

import React from 'react';
import { isElementOfType } from 'react-dom/test-utils';

// Define App Component
const App = () => {
   // Function to show isElementOfType()
   function checkElement() {
      // Get an HTML element by its ID
      var element = document.getElementById('myElement');
      // Check if the element is a React component
      var isReactComponent = isElementOfType(element, MyComponent);
      // Console the result
      console.log("Is the element a React component?", isReactComponent);
   // Returning our JSX code
   return (
         <h1>Simple React Example</h1>
         <button onClick={checkElement}>Check Element</button>

// Define a custom React component
function MyComponent() {
   return <p>This is a custom React component.</p>;

export default App;


simple react example

Example − Check Header element

In this example, we will use the isElementOfType function to create another React app. We have a "App" React component with a button. When we click the button, the "checkElement" method is called. This function verifies that an element with the ID 'headerElement' is a React component of type "Header" and logs the message to the console.

import React from 'react';
import { isElementOfType } from 'react-dom/test-utils';

// Define a React component
function Header() {
   return <h2>This is a header component.</h2>;

// Define App Component
const App = () => {
   // Function to show isElementOfType()
   function checkElement() {
      var element = document.getElementById('headerElement');      
      var isHeaderComponent = isElementOfType(element, Header);
      // Console the result
      console.log("Is the element a Header component?", isHeaderComponent);
   // Returning our JSX code
   return (
         <h1>React Component Example</h1>
         <button onClick={checkElement}>Check Header Element</button>
         <div id="headerElement">
            <Header />

export default App;


react component example

Example − Check Paragraph Element

In this example, we have developed a basic Paragraph component, and the checkElement function checks that the element with the id "paragraphElement" is of the type Paragraph and returns a boolean value. So the code for this app is mentioned below −

import React from 'react';
import { isElementOfType } from 'react-dom/test-utils';

// Define a React component
function Paragraph() {
   return <p>This is a paragraph component.</p>;

// Define App Component
const App = () => {
   // Function to show isElementOfType()
   function checkElement() {
      var element = document.getElementById('paragraphElement');   
      var isParagraphComponent = isElementOfType(element, Paragraph);
      // Console the result
      console.log("Is the element a Paragraph component?", isParagraphComponent);
   // Returning our JSX code
   return (
         <h1>React Component Example</h1>
         <button onClick={checkElement}>Check Paragraph Element</button>
         <div id="paragraphElement">
            <Paragraph />

export default App;


check paragraph element


The "isElementOfType()" method determines that a given element is a React component of a particular type. In a simple example, a React component named "App" with a button is defined. When we click the button, it analyzes that an HTML element with a specific ID is a React component of a particular type and records its result.
