Bootstrap - Carousel demo

What is a carousel?

A carousel in bootstrap is a slideshow component that allows users to display multiple images, videos, or other types of content in a looping sequence. It is a responsive and dynamic component that can be easily customized.

Bootstrap provides a set of classes that can be used to create a carousel component and customize it.

Two main classes for adding carousel are:

class description
.carousel This class sets up the basic structure of the carousel
.carousel-item This class is used to define the individual slides within the carousel

Optional classes to customize the slides in a carousel are:

class description
.slide Adds a sliding animation to the carousel
.active Defines the initial active slide
.carousel-indicators Adds navigation indicators to the bottom of the carousel
.carousel-control-prev and carousel-control-next Adds left and right arrow buttons to the carousel for manual navigation
.carousel-caption Adds a caption or description to each slide in the carousel

Some of the examples of the carousels are as follows:

Example Description Download link
Basic carousel This example shows a basic carousel. Download
Carousel with indicators This example shows a carousel with indicators. Download
Carousel with captions This example shows a carousel with captions. Download
Animated carousel This example shows a carousel with animation. Download
Carousel with time interval This example shows a carousel with time interval. Download
Autoplay carousel This example shows an autoplay carousel. Download