Kivy - Tree View

Most of the GUI toolkits, including Kivy, provide a TreeView widget with which a user can navigate and interact with hierarchical data presented as nodes in a tree-like format. The file and directory structure shown in the file explorer of an operating system is a typical example of TreeView.

The "kivy.uix.treeview" module includes the definitions of three important classes: TreeView, TreeViewNode, and TreeViewLabel. Objects of these classes constitute the tree view widget.

A TreeView is populated by the instances of TreeViewNode instances. Any widget from the library such as a label or a button, or a user-defined widget object is combined with TreeViewNode.

The root of the tree view is the TreeView object itself.

from kivy.uix.treeview import TreeView
tv = TreeView()

One or more nodes can be directly added below this root. A TreeViewLabel is used as argument for add_node method

from kivy.uix.treeview import TreeViewLabel
n1 = tv.add_node(TreeViewLabel(text='node 1'))

Instead of adding a node to the root of the tree, you can add it to a node itself. Provide the instance of the parent node as the second argument to the add_node() method −

n2 = tv.add_node(TreeViewLabel(text='Political Sci'), n1)

The root widget of the tree view is opened by default and its default caption is 'Root'. To change that, you can use the TreeView.root_options property. This will pass options to the root widget −

tv = TreeView(root_options=dict(text='My root'))

The TreeViewLabel itself is a label, and hence cannot generate any event as on_press. For that you should define a class that inherits TreeView and a Button.

class TreeViewButton(Button, TreeViewNode):

You can then process different events such as −

  • on_node_expand − Fired when a node is being expanded

  • on_node_collapse − Fired when a node is being collapsed


The code given below composes a simple tree view of subjects available in each faculty of a college. A vertical box layout houses a treeview widget and a button. The root of the tree view is open.

To expand a node, click the ">" button to its left. It turns to a downward arrow. If clicked again, the node is collapsed.

from import App
from kivy.uix.treeview import TreeView, TreeViewLabel
from kivy.uix.button import Button
from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout
from kivy.core.window import Window

Window.size = (720, 350)

class DemoApp(App):
   def build(self):
      lo = BoxLayout(orientation='vertical')
 = TreeView(root_options={
         'text': 'Faculty-wise Subjects',
         'font_size': 20}
      self.n1 ='Arts'))
      self.n2 ='Commerce'))
      self.n3 ='Science'))
      self.n4 =
         TreeViewLabel(text='Sociology'), self.n1
      self.n5 =
         TreeViewLabel(text='History'), self.n1
      self.n6 =
         TreeViewLabel(text='Political Sci'), self.n1
      self.n7 =
         TreeViewLabel(text='Accountancy'), self.n2
      self.n8 =
         TreeViewLabel(text='Secretarial Practice'), self.n2
      self.n9 =
         TreeViewLabel(text='Economics'), self.n2
      self.n10 =
         TreeViewLabel(text='Physics'), self.n3
      self.n11 =
      TreeViewLabel(text='Mathematics'), self.n3
      self.n12 =
         TreeViewLabel(text='Chemistry'), self.n3
      return lo


Kivy Tree View