• Java Data Structures Tutorial

Searching for values in a tree

To search whether the given tree contains a particular element. Compare it with every element down the tree if found display a message saying element found.


class Node{
   int data;
   Node leftNode, rightNode;
   Node() {
      leftNode = null;
      rightNode = null;     
      this.data = data;
   Node(int data) {
      leftNode = null;
      rightNode = null;     
      this.data = data;
   int getData() {
      return this.data;	   
   Node getleftNode() {
      return this.leftNode;	   
   Node getRightNode() {
      return this.leftNode;	   
   void setData(int data) {
      this.data = data; 
   void setleftNode(Node leftNode) {
      this.leftNode = leftNode;	   
   void setRightNode(Node rightNode) {
      this.leftNode = rightNode;	      
public class SeachingValue {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      Node node = new Node(50);
      node.leftNode = new Node(60);
      node.leftNode.leftNode = new Node(45);
      node.leftNode.rightNode = new Node(64);

      node.rightNode = new Node(60);
      node.rightNode.leftNode = new Node(45);
      node.rightNode.rightNode = new Node(64);
      System.out.println("Pre order of the above created tree :");
      int data = 60;
      boolean b = find(node, data);
      if(b) {
         System.out.println("Element found");    	  
      } else {
         System.out.println("Element not found");
   public static void preOrder(Node root) {
      if(root !=null) {
         System.out.print(root.data+" ");
   public static boolean find(Node root, int data) {
      if(root == null) {
         return false;    	  
      if(root.getData() == data) {
         return true;    	  
      return find(root.getleftNode(), data)||find(root.getRightNode(), data);


Pre order of the above created tree :
50 60 45 64 60 45 64 
Element found