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Node.js - os.devNull Property

The os module of Node.js provides a bunch of operating system-related utility methods and properties.

The Node.js os.devNull property will return the platform-specific file path of the device. The possible output of os.devNull is \\.\nul on the windows operating system and /dev/null on POSIX operating system.

It can be accessed through the standard library fs module, and is useful for writing data which isn't necessary or needed. For example, if you are debugging an application and want to quickly test something without actually printing anything, then you could use the devNull property instead of writing the debug information out somewhere else.


Following is the syntax of the Node.js os.devNull property −


Return value

This method will return the platform-specific file path of the null device.

Below is an example that demonstrates the usage of os.devNull in Node.js.


In the following example below, we are trying to log the os.devNull property to the console.

const os = require('os');



Note − To see actual result, execute the above code in local.

If we compile and run the above code, the os.devNull will return a string value as shown in the figure below.
