Kivy - Bezier

In this chapter, we shall create a Kivy app that will interactively draw a Bezier line along the list of points. If a closed line is drawn making use of the x and y coordinates computed with the help of following code segment, the resulting figure resembles a Pacman character −

from math import cos, sin, radians

x = y = 300
z = 200

self.points = [x, y]
for i in range(45, 360, 45):
   i = radians(i)
   self.points.extend([x + cos(i) * z, y + sin(i) * z])

   with self.layout.canvas:
      Color(1.0, 0.0, 1.0)
      self.line = Line(
         points=self.points + self.points[:2],
         dash_offset=10, dash_length=100

It generates a line pattern as the following −

Kivy Bezier

Then, we draw a Bezier line making use of the same list of points.

Color(1.0, 0.0, 1.0)
self.line = Line(
   points=self.points + self.points[:2],

The Line as well as the Beizer will appear as this −

Kivy Bezier Line

Now we want to construct these two curves dynamically. We use two slidersto change the dash length and offset values of both the line instruction and Bezier instruction as the value property of each slider changes with the following event handlers −

def _set_bezier_dash_offset(self, instance, value):
   # effect to reduce length while increase offset
   self.bezier.dash_length = 100 - value
   self.bezier.dash_offset = value
def _set_line_dash_offset(self, instance, value):
   # effect to reduce length while increase offset
   self.line.dash_length = 100 - value
   self.line.dash_offset = value

As a result, change the slider values to see how the two curves are redrawn dynamically.


The complete code is given below −

from import App
from kivy.uix.floatlayout import FloatLayout
from kivy.uix.label import Label
from kivy.uix.slider import Slider
from import Color, Bezier, Line
from kivy.core.window import Window

Window.size = (720,400)

class Main(App):
   title='Bezier Example'
   def _set_bezier_dash_offset(self, instance, value):
      # effect to reduce length while increase offset
      self.bezier.dash_length = 100 - value
      self.bezier.dash_offset = value
   def _set_line_dash_offset(self, instance, value):
      # effect to reduce length while increase offset
      self.line.dash_length = 100 - value
      self.line.dash_offset = value
   def build(self):
      from math import cos, sin, radians
      x = y = 300
      z = 200
      # Pacman !
      self.points = [x, y]
      for i in range(45, 360, 45):
         i = radians(i)
         self.points.extend([x + cos(i) * z, y + sin(i) * z])
      print (self.points)
      self.layout = FloatLayout()
      with self.layout.canvas:
         Color(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
         self.bezier = Bezier(
            points=self.points, segments=150, loop=True,
            dash_length=100, dash_offset=10
         Color(1.0, 0.0, 1.0)
         self.line = Line(
            points=self.points + self.points[:2],
         text='Beizer offset', pos_hint={'x':.1},
         size_hint=(.1, None), height=50
      s1 = Slider(
         y=0, pos_hint={'x': .3},
         size_hint=(.7, None), height=50
         text='Line offset', y=50, pos_hint={'x':.1},
         size_hint=(.1, None), height=50
      s2 = Slider(
         y=50, pos_hint={'x': .3},
         size_hint=(.7, None), height=50
      return self.layout

if __name__ == '__main__':


The following screenshots show the curves at two different slider positions −

Kivy Bezier Curves Kivy Bezier Offset