Cryptography - Data Encryption

A data encryption technique converts data into a code, or ciphertext, that is only readable by those who have a secret key or password. Plaintext is the term for the unencrypted data. Information encryption and decryption technology is called cryptography.

Data encryption protects information from being lost, altered, or compromised. The decryption key, however, needs to be kept private and protected from unwanted access in order to guarantee that data is kept secure.

Every type of data, both that which is in transit (like being exchanged over a network) and at rest (such being saved on a hard drive) can be encrypted.

There are two methods of encryption that are widely used −

  • Symmetric Encryption − The same key is used for both encryption and decryption in symmetric encryption.
  • Asymmetric Encryption − It uses a public key that is given to the data recipient and a private key that is owned by the data owner. Because asymmetric encryption avoids the need for exchanging the private key, it is believed to be more secure.
Data Encryption

How Data Encryption Works?

Let's explore how data encryption protects hackers and thieves from accessing and intercepting your information while it is most vulnerable-during Internet transmission.

You may be wondering "Why is data encryption essential?" "It seems a bit of trouble to be dealing with."

Encryption is essential for protecting confidential data as we transport it over the Internet and transact a lot of it through computer systems. Without it, anyone provided with the required tools and knowledge could −

  • Determine all of your passwords, including those for your health insurance, online banking, and other vital accounts.
  • Access and gain control of your SSN, credit card information, tax returns, medical records, and a host of other details that an attacker can use against you for identity theft or other illegal activities.
  • Identify where you are exact in real time and monitor all of your movements, whether online and offline;
  • Examine all of your communications, like emails and messages you exchange on social media, and edit the content by, for example, adding links to malicious websites.

The good news is that you are already using encryption on a daily basis, whether you send sensitive data to someone, share photographs via private messages, or shop online.

Since previously we have learned what encryption is, here are a few more helpful words for you to know −

  • Cryptography − The study and application of secure communication techniques to protect information from unwanted access and malicious interference is known as cryptography.
  • Plaintext − It is the information in its original, unencrypted form.
  • Ciphertext − It is the encrypted version of the same data.
  • Encryption Key − The piece of data (a random string of letters, numbers, and symbols) that an encryption algorithm uses to encrypt and decrypt data is known as the encryption key. The strongest encryption keys are unique, unpredictable, and only possible while technology is still in place.
  • Encryption algorithm − The encryption algorithm is the process that converts plaintext into ciphertext with the help of the encryption key, making it look like random to unauthorised users but decipherable to the intended recipient, the encrypted data can then be read again by using the decryption key.

Why Data Encryption is Important?

Attackers can now more easily access and request data, which makes protection more important than ever. In addition, a lot of firms have to comply with data protection regulations, many of which specifically require the use of encryption.

Promotes Data integrity and Prevents Theft of Data

Data encryption secures from data loss, modification, and attack. Ensuring the validity of data is one of the main advantages of data encryption. You can make sure that the data you are accessing has not been altered or tampered by unauthorised individuals. Additionally, data encryption helps in preventing data loss, which is possible when information is transferred or stored across several systems. Data encryption provides an extra degree of security by preventing intentional or accidental manipulation of data.

Encourages Compliance

Sensitive data protection is governed by strict guidelines in several businesses. For example, banks are required to comply with by the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), whereas the healthcare sector is subject to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Businesses can make sure they are complying with these regulations and avoiding possible fines or penalties for non-compliance by putting data encryption into place.

Protects Data While at Rest

"Data at rest" refers to data that is kept in a fixed location, like a device, server, or database. Unauthorised people might be able to access the stored data remotely or physically. When data is encrypted while it is at rest, malicious hackers cannot decrypt it without the proper decryption key, even if they manage to get their hands on the storage medium. Encryption during rest helps guarantee that private information, corporate secrets, and other sensitive documents stay unreadable and worthless by unauthorised parties.

Protects Data in Transit

Data is more vulnerable to illegal access and manipulation when it is moved between systems or devices, for example, over a network. By ensuring that only authorised parties possessing the proper decryption keys can see the information, data encryption helps protect data while it is being transmitted. Data breaches become more likely as more workers access company data via mobile devices. Both the sensitive data kept on these devices and the data sent between mobile devices and business networks can be protected with the use of data encryption.

Protecting Data stored in the Cloud

If cloud storage has several advantages, like better accessibility and lower infrastructure costs, it also has special security risks. The security of data at rest, or data kept on cloud servers, is one of the main concerns for companies using cloud storage. An extra layer of security is added to this data via data encryption, which makes sure that even if unauthorised parties manage to access the cloud servers, they are not able to access the encrypted data without the right decryption keys.

Getting Secured for Remote Work

Working remotely is growing more and more common. Data breaches and other security accidents are increasingly probable now that more workers are working remotely or from home. When sensitive information is accessed by remote workers, data encryption can help protect it by making sure that the encrypted data is secure even in the event that their devices or connections are compromised.

Future of Data Encryption

The industry is promoting encryption on many levels as a result. To avoid brute-force decoding, certain steps are being undertaken to increase key sizes. Other projects are looking into new algorithms for cryptography. One such algorithm being tested by the National Institute of Standards and Technology is a next-generation public key algorithm that is quantum-safe.

On conventional computer systems, the majority of quantum-safe algorithms are inefficient, which is the problem. The industry is focusing on creating accelerators to speed up algorithms on x86 systems in order to find a solution over this problem.

A remarkable idea is homomorphic encryption, which enables users to compute on encrypted data without having to first decrypt it. Therefore, this means that an analyst who needs it can query a database containing confidential data without needing to ask a higher-ranking analyst for permission or request that the material be declassified.

Homomorphic encryption not only secures data at rest (on a hard disc), but it also protects it while it is in motion and being used. Its usage of some of the same math as quantum computers gives it an additional benefit: it is quantum-safe.

Advantages of Data Encryption

There are various benefits of data encryption are as follows −

  • Encryption is explicitly needed by some regulations and market standards. It is having strong encryption in place can provide demonstrate to auditors that sensitive information is well secured by the organization.
  • Data Encryption is not only beneficial for organization or the military, but normal computer users can also use it to save sensitive data including Bank Account details, medical records, etc., safe. Without proper Encryption, anyone who can access the device will be capable to view and copy it.
  • There are several tools to password protect a folder or some local storage information that someone it can choose, but it is the only true way to secure information in its entirety. This is possible because without proper decryption of information, no one can use it.
  • When data is saved in the public cloud, it can be exposed to a much broader range of threats, such as accidental exposure to the Internet, access by some cloud tenants, and by malicious insiders at the cloud provider. Encrypting information in cloud storage by default supported a layer of security against all these threats.
  • Intellectual property is a strategic asset that can be value millions. By encrypting this information and securely handling encryption keys, an organization can render it counterproductive to an attacker.
  • Key management is an essential element of encryption management. The solution should create it convenient to make encryption keys, deliver them to information owners, back them up, and damage them when access is revoked.

Disadvantages of Data Encryption

  • If the password or key is lost, the user will be unable to access the encrypted file. Using simpler keys in data encryption, on the other hand, renders the data insecure, as anyone can access it at any moment.
  • Data encryption is a strong data security technique which needs a significant amount of resources, like data processing, time consumption, and the use of various encryption and decryption methods. As a result, it is a relatively expensive strategy.
  • Data protection technologies can be challenging to use when layered with modern systems and apps. This may have a negative impact on the device's usual operations.