Dev Kumar has Published 113 Articles

What do you mean by Winter Olympics? How are they different than the common Olympics?

Dev Kumar

Dev Kumar

Updated on 29-Apr-2022 05:47:29


Winter Olympics as the name suggests is the global sporting event where all the listed sports disciplines are played on snow and ice, unlike the summer Olympic Games which takes place in pleasant weather. The first ever Winter Olympics took place in 1924 in Chamonix, a small resort town in ... Read More

From look east to act east and now look west, what is India's upcoming prospect?

Dev Kumar

Dev Kumar

Updated on 29-Apr-2022 05:30:32


India had adopted the Look East policy during the Narashima Rao government which was known for adopting other landmark policies, notably the liberalization of the Indian economy by unshackling state control over regulations. Prior to that, India’s economic fortunes were tied to its relations with the West, which essentially meant ... Read More

I have recently sold a property worth Rs. 20 Lakh but I have no clue where to invest this money and get decent returns. Please suggest!

Dev Kumar

Dev Kumar

Updated on 28-Apr-2022 09:31:02


Hopefully, you sold it at a much higher price than what you had bought it for. One great thing about real estate is that there's no depreciation in the value and there is guaranteed appreciation although the percentage varies, which is absolutely normal. Now, if this was the only piece ... Read More

What is bootstrap and what is its use as a framework?

Dev Kumar

Dev Kumar

Updated on 28-Apr-2022 09:25:01


There are several uses of Bootstrap as a framework since it offers design templates based on HTML and CSS technology covering the structure of a webpage and its visual and aural layout for various devices. Bootstrap also supports plugins for JavaScript and its design templates include variables like navigation, typography, ... Read More

How effectively is the Indian government dealing with cyber crime?

Dev Kumar

Dev Kumar

Updated on 28-Apr-2022 08:28:37


The term 'cybercrime' is actually non-existent in any law or legislation in India although the phenomena itself is widely recognized for what it is - any crime that is committed using a computer system. To deal with such crimes, the Indian Penal Code 1860 is good enough and other legislations ... Read More

I have been planning to write a novel since long but could not put even a single step yet. What should I do to carry this out?

Dev Kumar

Dev Kumar

Updated on 28-Apr-2022 07:44:13


"When you have to shoot...shoot...don't talk". That's an epic dialogue from an old Hollywood film from the 1960s titled, "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly" which is part of a series of three films known by their genre title, "The Dollar Trilogy", that became a huge international box office ... Read More

What are the technologies an IT student should learn?

Dev Kumar

Dev Kumar

Updated on 27-Apr-2022 11:48:18


The IT industry is quite vast and evolving by leaps and bounds every year. There is no specific technology that you learn and start believing that your future is secured. You need to constantly move with the trend and it largely depends on your interest, in which area of IT, ... Read More

Is it true that farming is no more a profitable business in India?

Dev Kumar

Dev Kumar

Updated on 27-Apr-2022 09:25:59


That's not true because there are still many farmers who are making very good profits. Of course, it depends on what your approach toward farming is, where you're doing your farming, how you're doing it, which cropping pattern you have chosen and why have you chosen it?If you've gone into ... Read More

What is the permanent solution to the flood that bothers many states every year in India?

Dev Kumar

Dev Kumar

Updated on 27-Apr-2022 06:55:23


Undoubtedly, the issue is huge and governments, to be very frank, have only been the mere spectators of the disaster, which not only leaves many homeless but takes away a number of lives every year, especially during monsoon. If not overhaul, the governments at least can do some radical changes ... Read More

Why is the Indian monsoon so unpredictable?

Dev Kumar

Dev Kumar

Updated on 27-Apr-2022 06:11:37


Monsoon is, without doubt, the most important event in the Indian calendar and most other events are a sequel to how good or bad the monsoon has been. It is characterized by the unpredictability of its arrival and when it arrives, the unpredictability of its spread, scale, and intensity continues ... Read More
