Dev Kumar has Published 113 Articles

From a common man's perspective, what are the positive and negative aspects of the Budget 2018?

Dev Kumar

Dev Kumar

Updated on 02-May-2022 05:26:28


For the common man who makes up the salaried middle class, Budget 2018 offers a flat deduction of Rs. 40, 000. Those earning salaries of Rs. 3 lakhs per annum are already exempted from paying income tax while those earning between Rs. 3 and Rs. 5 lakhs per annum have ... Read More

Why hasn’t football lived up to its potential in India despite having a history of more than a century in this country?

Dev Kumar

Dev Kumar

Updated on 02-May-2022 05:20:45


Just imagine a hundred-year-old coconut tree that has grown to a height of 70 feet but produces coconuts that are no larger than beetle nuts! That's pretty much the case with the 150 year legacy of Indian football. Having said that, let's first rejoice a milestone that our footballers recently ... Read More

What are some good ideas for ‘Fun at work’?

Dev Kumar

Dev Kumar

Updated on 02-May-2022 04:29:31


We all grew up with the rhyme - 'All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy', which tells us the importance of relaxing even at work. It also means, there's no need to be too intense about the work that we do and most importantly, we should not ... Read More

Why do we get a mail first on our smartphone and then on a desktop?

Dev Kumar

Dev Kumar

Updated on 29-Apr-2022 12:27:06


There could be quite a few reasons for that and before looking at other reasons, it makes sense if we consider the fact that smartphones have been designed to work smartly, which also means their functionality has been optimized for computing on the go. Going a little deeper, the reason ... Read More

Why should the executive authority draw power from the legislature?

Dev Kumar

Dev Kumar

Updated on 29-Apr-2022 12:04:18


Of the three crucial pillars of democracy - legislature, executive, and judiciary, it is the legislature which is the most important, or in other words, it is the keystone of the arch of democracy. Remove the pillar or the keystone representing the legislature and the entire structure of democracy will ... Read More

Why ex-showroom, RTO and insurance prices of a vehicle vary in different cities of India?

Dev Kumar

Dev Kumar

Updated on 29-Apr-2022 11:08:31


One of the reasons for the ex-showroom price of cars varying by up to 5% of the cost of the car across different cities, even within the same state is obviously related to transport and logistics. The car has to be trucked down to the different distribution points all over ... Read More

Can India succeed in shifting to a completely electric-powered automobile industry by 2030?

Dev Kumar

Dev Kumar

Updated on 29-Apr-2022 07:16:33


In a pilot project that is underway in Nagpur, around 200 electric cars will be pressed into service by app-based taxi service providers like Ola, which will account for 50 of these 200 electric cars. A raging question that arises in any discussion on electric cars is the availability of ... Read More

Why the sound in cinema halls is kept so high? Can it be dangerous for many individuals?

Dev Kumar

Dev Kumar

Updated on 29-Apr-2022 07:11:41


One of the reasons that cinema hall operators cite for playing their sound systems at deafening volumes is the noise coming from outdoors. In the age of sound-proof auditoriums, this is the stupidest of excuses one can hope to hear for a problem that is causing hearing impairments for an ... Read More

What is “Rangoli’ and what is its significance?

Dev Kumar

Dev Kumar

Updated on 29-Apr-2022 06:55:25

1K+ Views

A Rangoli is a beautiful and colorful floor design or motif that is found in Hindu households in the Indian subcontinent although the term can differ as you move towards eastern India where it is known as Alpana. A Rangoli is generally created by the women of a house although ... Read More

What is the best answer to the question about your biggest weakness?

Dev Kumar

Dev Kumar

Updated on 29-Apr-2022 06:36:14


When faced with this question, don't ever go on the defensive or offensive either. If you go on the defensive you'll get nervous and might end up spilling your biggest weakness in the stupidest manner. At the same time, if you go on the offensive and try to impress the ... Read More
