Dev Kumar has Published 113 Articles

What are the 42 mobile apps China is allegedly using to spy on the Indian forces?

Dev Kumar

Dev Kumar

Updated on 19-May-2022 11:36:00


The IB (Intelligence Bureau) which is the premier intelligence services department of the Government of India has identified a number of mobile apps including many that are developed by Chinese companies. Here's a list of 28 apps that the Digital IT Cell of the Government of India has identified as ... Read More

Is China spying on India through mobile apps?

Dev Kumar

Dev Kumar

Updated on 19-May-2022 11:31:42


Yes, China is spying on India through different mobile apps that many of the Chinese mobile phone manufacturers offer on the phones they sell in India. It's easy to anticipate how the Chinese government would have reacted if such malicious applications were sourced from Indian mobile phone companies operating in ... Read More

How to choose a programming language to build a website?

Dev Kumar

Dev Kumar

Updated on 19-May-2022 11:02:06


It all begins with what purpose your website is going to serve. For the sake of better understanding, let's look at the logic theory of computing. Just as conventional languages fit a certain environment, computer languages are also created for specific programming environments that go on to run the websites ... Read More

What are Google Algorithms and what importance do they have in digital marketing?

Dev Kumar

Dev Kumar

Updated on 19-May-2022 10:42:14


Google keeps making changes to its algorithms at regular intervals to improve different aspects of user experience on its search engine. These algorithm changes are referred to as 'Updates' by Google and users all over the world are always anxious about these updates. Of course, they come like a bolt ... Read More

Why are online shopping sites becoming mobile shopping apps?

Dev Kumar

Dev Kumar

Updated on 19-May-2022 10:27:32


An online shopping site is a website which can be accessed through a computer which can be either a desktop or laptop. The website can also be accessed through a smartphone or tablet and both are mobile devices. In computers, because of higher data processing capacity and more functionality, all ... Read More

Do meetings during work hours hamper productivity?

Dev Kumar

Dev Kumar

Updated on 19-May-2022 08:53:59


As long as meetings are brief and not too frequent, they don't adversely affect productivity. I think meetings should have a specific purpose and not just be held as a routine activity just because they look good as a 'best practice'. In that case, it comes very close to being ... Read More

What is social bookmarking? Step by step explanation?

Dev Kumar

Dev Kumar

Updated on 19-May-2022 08:49:19


The term social bookmarking can be misleading for someone who is not particularly familiar with web content development and marketing. It's got nothing to do with the regular bookmarking of websites or web pages that we do by clicking the star icon at the extreme right-hand corner of the URL ... Read More

What are the most popular QA forums for general people?

Dev Kumar

Dev Kumar

Updated on 19-May-2022 08:34:21


According to me, the most popular Q&A site is Qries, while Linked In Answers, Yahoo Answers, Quora and among others are renowned Q&A forums. Qries enjoys a very high level of credibility mainly because of the type of people who answer the questions on Qries. The best part of ... Read More

What are the best ways to run a meeting?

Dev Kumar

Dev Kumar

Updated on 19-May-2022 08:18:32


One of the prime objectives of meetings is to discuss critical issues with peer decision-makers and decide on something tangible. Corporate meetings can't be for 'agreeing to disagree' - such outcomes are more suitable for negotiations with agitating trade unions where you buy time to set up the agenda for ... Read More

What is the best interview question you have ever used or heard?

Dev Kumar

Dev Kumar

Updated on 19-May-2022 08:11:51


I haven't conducted many interviews but did attend quite a few and have memories of the most interesting one. It was an interview for the second job of my career and the man I met was somewhat of a legend in the particular niche of advertising I was trying to ... Read More

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