CSS Function - tan()

The CSS function tan() is a trigonometric operation that calculates the tangent of a given number and returns a value in the range -infinity to infinity.

This function performs a single calculation and interprets the input as radians, and the output can be either a <number> or an <angle>.

Possible values

The function tan(angle) accepts only a single value as a parameter.

  • angle - A calculation that yields either a <number> or an <angle>. When unitless numbers are used, they are to be understood as a measure in radians representing an <angle>.

Return Value

The tangent of an angle will always give a value between -∞ and +∞.

  • If the angle is infinity, -infinity, or NaN, the result is NaN.

  • If the angle is 0⁻, the result is 0⁻.

  • If the angle corresponds to an asymptote value (e.g. 90deg, 270deg etc.), the result is explicitly undefined. Authors should not expect tan() to provide any specific value for these inputs.


tan( <calc-sum> )    

CSS tan() - Drawing Trapezoid

  • CSS variables are used to define the dimensions and skewing angle of the trapezoids.

  • The calc() function calculates the width of the trapezoids based on the tan() function.

  • Each trapezoid is represented as a div element with the class .trapezoid.

   .trapezoid {
      --top-width: 100px; 
      --bottom-width: 200px; 
      --height: 150px; 
      --skew-angle: 30deg;
      width: calc(100px + (2 * var(--height) / tan(var(--skew-angle))));
      height: var(--height);
      background-color: skyblue; 
      transform: skewX(var(--skew-angle));
      margin-bottom: 20px; 
      margin-left: 40px;
<div class="trapezoid"></div>
<div class="trapezoid"></div>