WebdriverIO - Introduction

WebdriverIO helps to automate any tests designed for a present-day application developed in React, Angular, Polymerer Vue.js, and so on. Besides, it can also be used in Android and iOS platforms.

WebdriverIO is implemented in Node.js and the automation code is written in JavaScript. It comes under the umbrella of Selenium. All the capabilities of Selenium are also available in WebdriverIO, along with certain accessory assertions available for validations.

Now-a-days, the front end of the majority of applications is developed with the JavaScript frameworks like React, Angular, and so on. WebdriverIO is really useful for testing these applications.

This is because WebdriverIO coding is also done in JavaScript. This tool falls under the roof of Selenium and also there are some additional APIs. If we are aware of Selenium, then gaining knowledge in WebdriverIO is a simple task.

WebdriverIO can also be used for testing normal applications but if we are using WebdriverIO for verifying any application implemented in React, Angular, Polymerer Vue.js, and so on, we can enjoy an additional edge in building a robust framework.

If we are creating Selenium tests in JavaScript, then WebdriverIO should be the choice. There are other tools like Cypress which is based on the JavaScript framework but it does not fall under the umbrella of Selenium.

If we follow the npm trends for WebdriverIO downloads for the last few years, we shall observe an upward trend towards the use of WebdriverIO available from the link mentioned below −


The following screen will appear on your computer −



Some of the reports generated in WebdriverIO are as follows −

  • Allure

  • Spec

  • JUnit

  • HTML

  • JSON

  • Cucumber JSON


Some of the services offered by WebdriverIO are as follows −

  • Appium

  • Docker

  • Selenium Standalone

  • ChromeDriver

  • Firefox Profile

  • DevTools

Testing Frameworks

Some of the testing frameworks supported by WebdriverIO are as follows −

  • Cucumber

  • Jasmine

  • Mocha
