Math and Trignometric - ROMAN Function


The ROMAN function converts an Arabic numeral to roman, as text.


ROMAN (number, [form])


Argument Description Required/Optional
Number The Arabic numeral you want converted. Required
Form A number specifying the type of roman numeral you want. The roman numeral style ranges from Classic to Simplified, becoming more concise as the value of form increases. See the Roman numeral Styles Table given below. If omitted, it takes on the default value of 0 (denoting the classic form is used). Optional

Roman numeral Styles Table

Form Type
0 or omitted Classic
1 More concise
2 More concise
3 More concise
4 Simplified
TRUE Classic
FALSE Simplified


  • If any of the arguments is specified as a decimal value, it is truncated to integer.

  • If number is negative, ROMAN returns the #VALUE! Error.

  • If number is greater than 3999, ROMAN returns the #VALUE! Error.

  • If form is specified, but is invalid, i.e. is not one of the values 0, 1, 2, 3 4, TRUE or FALSE, ROMAN returns the #VALUE! Error


Excel 2007, Excel 2010, Excel 2013, Excel 2016


ROMAN Function