Math and Trignometric - MUNIT Function


The MUNIT function returns the unit matrix for the specified dimension.


MUNIT (dimension)


Argument Description Required/Optional

Dimension is an integer specifying the dimension of the unit matrix that you want to return.

The dimension has to be greater than zero.



  • MUNIT returns an array. Hence, it should be entered as an array formula

    MUNIT (N) = $\begin{matrix}1 & 0 & \dotso & 0\\0 & 1 & \dotso & 0 \\\vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\0 & 0 & \dotso & 1\end{matrix}$

  • If dimension is a value that is equal to or smaller than zero (0), MUNIT returns the #VALUE! error value.

  • If dimension is not recognized as a numeric value, MUNIT returns the #VALUE! error value.

  • If you select additional cells that are not part of the resulting matrix, MUNIT returns the #N/A error value in these cells.

  • If you do not highlight the full range of cells for the resulting matrix, Excel will just show the part of the result that fits into the highlighted range. There will be no error message to let you know that your highlighted range is not big enough.

  • If you do not enter the formula as an array formula, the cell in which you enter the formula will just show you the first entry of the resulting matrix and there will be no error message.


Excel 2013, Excel 2016


MUNIT Function