Found 77 Articles for Jobs

What is ghostwriting and what are the job prospects if I embrace it as a career?

Dev Kumar
Updated on 27-Jun-2020 07:47:34


When you write for someone else who pays you just for your efforts and has claimed over the content you created as per your agreement with him, it is ghostwriting. In other words, it's like conceiving a surrogate baby whom you can't claim. However, you needn't get tensed about this aspect of ghostwriting because it is a vast niche today and there are scores of people all over the world who are doing it day in and out.Digital MarketingTake the case of the vast and fast-growing digital marketing industry. Depending on the size of their operations, these online businesses upload ... Read More

What are some good ideas for ‘Fun at work’?

Dev Kumar
Updated on 02-May-2022 04:29:31


We all grew up with the rhyme - 'All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy', which tells us the importance of relaxing even at work. It also means, there's no need to be too intense about the work that we do and most importantly, we should not overlook the need to unwind occasionally.Fun and OptimizationFun at work is an important aspect of today's workplace where optimization is the rule. Depending on what work you do, there are different fun activities that can make your work less mundane and even recharge you. One very easy fun activity that ... Read More

What are the Computer science engineering government jobs?

siddhartha kotamraju
Updated on 27-Jun-2020 12:21:20


There are many openings for CSE and IT engineering graduates in the Indian Government sector. Here is the list of Major IT Organizations in Government of India which have openings every year for fresh engineering graduates.Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (CDAC), ONGC(Oil and Natural Gas Corporation)GAIL(Gas Authority India Ltd )National Informatics Centre (NIC)HAL (Hindustan Aeronautics LimitedEducation and Research Network (ERNET India)Software Technology Parks of India (STPI)SAIL(Steel Authority of India)DRDO (Defence Research and Development Organization)MECON limitedBARC - Bhabha Atomic Research Centre ( BARC )MECL - Mineral Exploration Corporation LimitedECIL - Electronics Corporation of India LimitedFCI - Food Corporation of IndiaCDAC ... Read More

What are the skills in digital marketing that can get you a job instantly?

Rashmi Iyer
Updated on 29-Apr-2022 05:36:38


Knowledge is not the only component that is taken into consideration while selecting an employee to an organization. Skills inevitably compliment to the knowledge and it is only through skills that various components of knowledge get executed appropriately.The expected skill set that makes a person more employable and competent for any kind of challenge is as follows:Leadership skills − A good leader paves way for success in the organization and thus leadership is an integral part of an organization. Leadership is a continuous process of influencing and motivating your subordinates. Some important aspects of leadership that help in accelerating the ... Read More

What is Recruitment cycle? How companies perform it?

Rashmi Iyer
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Recruitment is the process of searching employees and encouraging them to apply for the vacancy in the organization. Recruitment is a very important component of HR Management because it is extremely important to find dedicated people who can work with commitment in an organization. It is a prerequisite to have an effective workforce and strong work culture in the organization.To quote Stahl, ‘Recruitment is the cornerstone of the whole personnel structure. Unless the recruitment policy is soundly conceived, there can be little hope of building a first-rate staff.’Following are the steps involved in the effective and sound recruitment cycle followed ... Read More

What is the difference between IAS and IPS?

Rashmi Iyer
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Indian Administrative Services (IAS) and Indian Police Service (IPS) are the first two All India Services recruited by the Union Public Service Commission through competitive examinations. Though both are All India Services there are some major differences between the two. Following are some of the points through which we distinguish the nature of IAS and IPS:TrainingWhile the foundational training remains the same for both the IAS and IPS probationers, which is conducted at the Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration, the IAS probationers continue to stay in the academy for their professional training and the IPS probationers are sent ... Read More

How to become an IAS Officer in India?

Rashmi Iyer
Updated on 13-May-2022 10:52:10


Indian Administrative Services is the most-prestigious All-India Services and the candidates are recruited by the Union Public Service Commission. It was formerly known as the Indian Civil Services which was renamed as IAS after 1947.IAS officers contribute in nation-building, national integration and cooperative federalism and hence, are considered to be the backbone of Indian Administration. Qualifying for IAS requires an immense amount of dedication, hard work, discipline along with proper training and guidance. Following are some points for the aspirants who wish to become an IAS officer:Eligibility (Qualifications and Disqualifications)To appear for the examinations, the Candidate has to be minimum ... Read More

How to handle conflicts in the workplace?

Rashmi Iyer
Updated on 11-May-2022 08:13:11


Conflicts and conflict resolution is an important component of Human Resources Management in any organizations. According to Newman, ‘Life is not a grand harmony, conflicts exist.’ Conflicts arise due to various factors such as difference of opinion, nepotism, an absence of appreciation, etc.There needs to be coordination of human resources channelized to minimize any form of conflict. Tackling the conflicts is an important prerequisite to effective management in an organization and the caliber of a manager depends on how successfully the conflict is being handled by him/ her.Following are some of the methods that can help in dealing with conflicts:Setting ... Read More

Why do the employers interview a candidate before selection?

Rashmi Iyer
Updated on 11-May-2022 07:36:31


Every organization wants the best of employees to be a part of it. This requires a sound and effective recruitment system. The selection process is an integral part of recruitment. The selection involves two main methods - 1) Assessments/Tests and 2) Interview. The assessments and tests are basically examinations that shall include logical reasoning, ability-based tests, subject-based tests, etc that check the Knowledge component of the candidate.An interview which generally happens after these tests is a face-to-face question-answer based assessment/ meeting that happens to qualify the candidate for the final placement. It is very important to conduct a face to ... Read More

How to create a balance between career and family?

Rashmi Iyer
Updated on 13-May-2022 07:48:38


In the 21st century, the world has seen a plethora of work opportunities and at the same time has led to an imbalance between building a career and maintaining a good family life. This has been the issue in every second home for many years now and the situation just worsens if not handled properly on time.Following tips help to understand how to create a harmony between the career space and the family life:-PrioritizingThe first and the foremost skill which you have to learn and is also considered to be the most difficult is the art of prioritizing. Know what ... Read More
