How to create a balance between career and family?

In the 21st century, the world has seen a plethora of work opportunities and at the same time has led to an imbalance between building a career and maintaining a good family life. This has been the issue in every second home for many years now and the situation just worsens if not handled properly on time.

Following tips help to understand how to create a harmony between the career space and the family life:-


The first and the foremost skill which you have to learn and is also considered to be the most difficult is the art of prioritizing. Know what is the most important, important and not-so-important tasks at the given point and time. When with your family, remember spending time with them is the priority rather than making the PPT about next months’ targets. This particular exercise helps you focus a bit on what needs to be done at the moment.


Create a schedule of your tasks! This schedule will have different slots that include both your workings hours and also the time that you spend with your family. An attempt should be made to stick to this schedule that helps to do justice to both your work life and your family life. Give 100% dedication to each task in the schedule.


The problems often crop up when extremely workaholic people work even on the weekends to gain more name and fame in the organization. The greed for promotions and increments are the main motives for this kind of nature. But it is to be remembered that at the end of the day PPT does not provide the emotional support nor do the bonus. Make it a point to strictly avoid work during the weekends.

Communication With Your Family

Make it a point to talk to your family regularly and every day. Talk to them about what happened with them throughout the day and then share about your day. This leads to transparency in the family and building the necessary support through the emotional bonds. This communication creates a safe space for the family members to reflect upon what went well and what could have been better.

Take Trips and Vacations

While there are official trips that you are involved as a part of your work life throughout the year, make sure you take both short and long trips and visit new places with your family. Try and stay away from work life for a while and give your family joy and happiness. This helps in relieving the stress and rejuvenates all the family members through new experiences.

'No Work at Home Please'

One of the most annoying things about some people is that they stick to their laptops and phones even when they are at home. The family has the minimum expectation for you to be with them wholeheartedly for those 2-3 hours. This time period should not be compromised at all.

Updated on: 13-May-2022


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