Iodoform Test

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 24-Apr-2024 16:59:32


Introduction Iodoform tests are often used to determine the prevalence of Aldehydes as well as Ketones with an Ξ± methyl group. This is also useful in distinguishing Ethanol from Methanol. Iodine with aq. π‘π‘Žπ‘‚π» solution and 𝐾𝐼 with Sodium Hypochlorite solution could be used to conduct the test. Carbonyl compounds with the $\mathrm{R\:-\:CO\:-\:CH_{3}}$ formation, as well as alcohols with the $\mathrm{R\:-\:CH(OH)CH_{3}}$ configurations, are easily iodoform tested. Iodine, a base, as well as methyl ketone, combine to form a yellow residue with a "disinfectant" odour. Several secondary alcohols with at least 1 methyl group within the Ξ± position are also tested. ... Read More

Isotopes and Isobars

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 24-Apr-2024 16:57:19


Introduction Isotopes and isobars are two significant associated with the elements present in the periodic table. Isotopes have an equal atomic number, but varied mass number and isobars have an equal mass number but a varied atomic number. The radiochemist Frederick Soddy in the year 1913 introduced the idea of isotope by bringing the concept that elements may also have one or more extra mass numbers. Then the scientist Alfred Walter Stewar in the year 1918 discovered the existence of isobars, which means an identical mass number or atomic weight. The discovery of Isotopes and isobars has contradicted several theories ... Read More

Ketone Preparation

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 24-Apr-2024 16:55:05


Introduction Carbonyl groups (π‘ͺ = 𝑢) are found in chemical molecules known as ketones. Chemicals that react quickly are ketones. Ketones and aldehydes have a close relationship, although ketones are weaker reactive than aldehydes. The polar character of the ketones is caused by their unequal electrical distribution. Ketones serve as the basis for numerous construction blocks. It has the potential to make textiles, solvents (for the manufacture of explosives), paints, varnishes, etc. The treatment of hydraulic agents, restoration, and dyeing all include the use of ketones. In the laboratory and on an industrial scale, a diversity of ketone generation techniques ... Read More

Natural Polymers

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 24-Apr-2024 16:52:52


Introduction Natural polymers, often known as biopolymers, include substances that arise naturally throughout the lifespans of plants, animals, microorganisms, as well as fungi. A polymer is a large molecule made up of numerous repeating structured subunits of such molecules. Polymers have become the foundation of 4 sectors βˆ’ fibres, plastics, elastomers, as well as resins. Polymerization has been the process by which polymers are formed from their monomers. Polymers are tough to categorize owing to their incredibly complicated structures, diverse behaviour, and a vast array of uses. As a result, we categorize polymers based on the following factors: Source ... Read More


Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 24-Apr-2024 16:08:58


Introduction Proline comprises with carboxyl and imine functional groups and it can also be called an amino acid. It is one of the most important amino acids that have several functions. It helps in maintaining blood pressure as well as forming collagen in humans. It can be incorporated into a protein molecule and is also called a critical component. Information regarding proline Proline is also called as L-proline and it falls under the category of non-essential amino acids. It mainly lies in the form of transparent crystals in nature. This kind of amino acid belongs to the imine functional groups. ... Read More


Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 24-Apr-2024 16:07:36


Introduction Promethium exists in the group off-block element bears the characteristics of the lanthanide group. The metal form of promethium is rare and that is the reason it does not have well-known physical and chemical properties. The salt form of this element consists of red or pink colour. The electronic configuration of this element is $\mathrm{[Xe]4f^{5}6s^{2}}$ as well as having 61 atoms. About promethium Promethium is called a chemical element bears the symbol of Pm. The number of atoms within this element is 61 and atomic mass is 145 g/mol. This element was invented by the famous scientist Mariinsky in ... Read More


Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 24-Apr-2024 16:04:50


Introduction Propane is nothing but a gas molecular entity that mainly acts as a propellant for food. Although it has no colour, consists of a faint petroleum-like odour. Two processes help in obtaining this gas and it is formed as a by-product of the processes petroleum refining and natural gas processing. Overview of propane Propane is also named as Propyl hydride, Dimethylmethane, and n-Propane. It has the chemical formula of C3H8 called three-carbon alkenes. It is a molecular entity of gas that acts like a food propellant. It was invented by Marcellin Berthelot, a French chemist in the year 1857. ... Read More

Properties of Ethers

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 24-Apr-2024 16:03:19


Introduction Ether is an organic compound that does not have any colour. They are characterised by a smell that feels very sweet and has various other traits. The formation of this compound happens by eliminating the moisture content present inside it. Chemical composition Ether is a very significant organic compound in the field of organic chemistry. This is a group that consists of different types of ether that have variable boiling and melting points. In general, ether group has a boiling point of 34.6Β° C. The point where it starts to melt is at a very low temperature which is ... Read More

Properties of Acetic Acid Experiment

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 24-Apr-2024 16:01:17


Introduction The field of organic chemistry is full of several acids considered to be safe for consumption by every human being. The acetic acid is one such chemical compound used in a large number of commercial products produced in several industries. The functional group of this acid is called methyl. Aim of the experiment Figure 1 βˆ’ Structure of Acetic Acid Acetic acid plays a very significant role in the daily life of human being. They are very common as human consider this acid as part of their diet. The aim of this experiment is to test the amount ... Read More

Properties of Bases

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 24-Apr-2024 15:59:46


Introduction Base has three different types of definitions in the field of chemistry. All these definitions conclude same meaning of base. Base gives out electrons in solvent medium hence develop positive charge or excess proton in its molecular structure. Structure of bases The structure of bases is very unique to one another as these tend to make a proper compound for reduction of concentration of acids. Base gives out a pair of electron to the dilute solution of acid. The entire element starts to see a high concentration of acid start to transition over a phase which very diluted by ... Read More
