Properties of Bases


Base has three different types of definitions in the field of chemistry. All these definitions conclude same meaning of base. Base gives out electrons in solvent medium hence develop positive charge or excess proton in its molecular structure.

Structure of bases

The structure of bases is very unique to one another as these tend to make a proper compound for reduction of concentration of acids.

Base gives out a pair of electron to the dilute solution of acid. The entire element starts to see a high concentration of acid start to transition over a phase which very diluted by nature. This is done by removing a pair of electrons that are not shared by one another. Therefore, the use of this chemical compound turns out to be effective when the base accepts protons by distributing electrons to the other compounds.

Importance of base

Figure 1 − Importance of bases

The importance of bases stretches far and wide over the various sectors. In spite of its enormous importance, bases are very significant in three particular sectors. These three sectors are listed below as follows −

  • The first importance of this element related to human digestion. Bicarbonate based base present in human body with very significant application. During digestion process, a significant amount of acid secretion requires to digest a large amount of food in stomach. In order to dilute the concentration of acid, specific organ of human body secrets the base molecules to neutralize the concentration of acid. Hence, the phenomena help to reduce the pain and uncomfortable feeling caused by the acid in the body.

  • The second important application of bases is to keep a set of tidy clothes neat and clean. There is a huge necessity among all human beings to put on a pair of decent clothes. In order to keep clean washing with detergents is the essential step. This detergent is made of bases removes any dirt or stain to give a clean set of clothes.

Chemical properties of the base

The chemical properties of the base are as follows 9. These are mentioned in points format to help learners to understand the topic −

  • The alkali is soluble phase of base that undergoes certain reactions with a metal. This reaction helps in the formation of salt and hydrogen in gaseous form.

  • The reaction of bases with non-metallic oxides gives out salt and water.

  • The reaction between bases and various kinds of acids are able to make a large amount of conjugated acid. The water produces various kinds of conjugated bases.

Physical properties of the base

The physical properties of the bases are as follows −

  • The taste of every base product is very bitter as they contain a certain amount of alkaline solution or mixture. Base is used to denature protein found in the human body.

  • All the products are basic in nature; start to give out hydroxide ions. It is possible only in soluble phase of bases. The base is able to change the colour of litmus paper. The colour changes from red to blue in order to indicate the presence of base in solution.

Uses of base

Figure 2 − Uses of bases

The applications of bases are well known over different industries that serve human beings in various ways. They are as follows −

  • Pharmaceutical industries: In this industry, a large number of medications are manufactured on a daily basis. One of the most common problems that seem to harm human beings is acidity. The medicines for this health issue are known to consist of bases. The bases are used to give a proper treatment as they react with the acid in order to bring it in neutral point.

  • Toiletry industries: The use of this element is very significant in the industry that makes toiletry products. They can be found in soaps and tubes of toothpaste used by every human being in the world.

  • Baking industries: This is very popular where cakes and different types of bakery products are made. Therefore, cakes do not have any kind of acidic taste. The most common base used in the food industry is called baking powder. They are used to reduce the large amount of Carbon Dioxide forms while preparing the batter or dough.


In this piece of the tutorial, the learners are going to learn about the chemical and physical properties of a base. The compound has different structures that mostly depend on the elements that form a base. The tutorial shows that consuming too much base is harmful to human health. There is a proper set of images for the learners to refer to bases.


1. What does base give when reacting with an acid?

When a base starts to react with an acid they tend to produce salt and water. These salts are widely used in various industries like paper and petroleum

2. What is going to happen to a person when they consume a large amount of base?

The time when a person starts to consume a large amount of base their body starts to experience certain symptoms. The protein starts to get denatured present in the body.

3. Why is the base used in the food industry?

This compound is used in the food industry to remove the taste of acid from cakes and loaves of bread.

Updated on: 24-Apr-2024


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