

Promethium exists in the group off-block element bears the characteristics of the lanthanide group. The metal form of promethium is rare and that is the reason it does not have well-known physical and chemical properties. The salt form of this element consists of red or pink colour. The electronic configuration of this element is $\mathrm{[Xe]4f^{5}6s^{2}}$ as well as having 61 atoms.

About promethium

Promethium is called a chemical element bears the symbol of Pm. The number of atoms within this element is 61 and atomic mass is 145 g/mol. This element was invented by the famous scientist Mariinsky in the year of 1945.

Figure 1 − Promethium in the periodic table

Therefore, its atomic number is 61 according to the periodic table. The isotopes are radioactive in nature and only one exists in stable form. It also shares the distinction in properties with technetium.

Applications of promethium

There are several uses of this element and mostly used for research purposes. Promethium-147 is exceptional and hardly used in the research. This element is found outside of the laboratories with different importance. The isotope is not able to emit gamma-rays since has small penetration depth of radiation.

The most common use of this element is seen in pacemakers. The luminous paint is used for the signal lights contain phosphor. Promethium also absorbs the beta radiation which is emitted by the promethium-147 and also emits light. Therefore, it is seen that this element is obtained in the quantities of milligrams as chloride or oxide.

Figure 2 − Promethium ore

Promethium-147 is also placed within the atomic batteries by sandwiching a source of promethium. This element is placed between the two semiconductor plates and the beta particles are emitted by promethium-147 converted to the electric current. The batteries have a life of approximately five years and it is also used for measuring material thickness.

Promethium properties

Promethium is an important element consists of both chemicals as well as physical properties. They are described below −

Chemical properties

The chemical properties of promethium include −

  • Promethium is a lanthanide and it produces salts when it is mixed with the other elements. There is only a stable state within the element is called the oxidation state.

  • The traces of this element are extremely scarce in nature. The importance of this element is that it is typically synthesised for the production of promethium-147. It is prepared by the process of bombardment of elements enriched uranium with the thermal of neutrons.

  • The salts of promethium consist of red or pink colour with a combination of blue-green light that helps in giving colour to the surrounding air.

Figure 3 − Properties of Promethium

Physical properties

Promethium is an element of f-block belongs to the lanthanides group and it lies in period 6. Some of the physical properties are described below −

  • The melting point of this element is 1042°C, 1908°F, and 1315 K.

  • It remains solid at a temperature of 20°C.

  • The boiling up point of the element is 3000°C, 5432°F, and 3273 K.

  • The density of the element is 7.26g/cc.


Promethium does not carry any biological function. The beta decay happens within the element and Promethium-147 also emits gamma rays that can be dangerous to health. It is seen that although a little amount of Promethium-147 is not harmful to health a huge amount of this element can be harm for life.

The precaution of this process is done by collecting some easily removable materials. It is used on the covers of footwear, gloves, safety glasses, as well as at protective clothing's outer layer. It is seen that promethium mainly harms the bone tissue but a sealed promethium-147 is not harmful.

The problem with the packaging can lead to harmful effects for humans as well as the environment. The polluted area should be cleaned with soap and water after detecting the contamination of radioactive.


The element of promethium has various uses as it is most effective for the purposes of research. The tutorial presents that except promethium-147, it is mostly used for research purposes. The isotopes of promethium do not emit gamma rays and that is the reason the radiation of this element has a small depth of penetration. It is helpful for humans as it is applied in the pacemaker. It is also applied in measuring the depth of the materials.


1. Where does the promethium found?

The detectable quantities of promethium do not found in the crust of the earth. It is seen in the minerals of uranium in small quantities and it is produced from the decay of the uranium. Uranium fission can help in manufacturing this element that has a specific mass.

2. Can promethium be called the strongest metal?

Yes, promethium can be called the strongest metal. The reason for this is that it is the power source to consume as well as produce electricity. Therefore, it is called that promethium is strongest metal.

3. Can man create promethium?

Promethium is not found naturally on the earth. There is a star present in the Andromeda galaxy which is made of promethium. It can also be made by the neutrons, alpha particles, praseodymium, irradiating neutrons.

Updated on: 24-Apr-2024


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