Properties of Acetic Acid Experiment


The field of organic chemistry is full of several acids considered to be safe for consumption by every human being. The acetic acid is one such chemical compound used in a large number of commercial products produced in several industries. The functional group of this acid is called methyl.

Aim of the experiment

Figure 1 − Structure of Acetic Acid

Acetic acid plays a very significant role in the daily life of human being. They are very common as human consider this acid as part of their diet. The aim of this experiment is to test the amount of odour that is given out by the acid. The second experiment is the effect it gives on the litmus paper.

The third aim of this particular experiment of acetic acid is to find out the rate of solubility in the water. The entire experiments come to an end when the final aim of this acid is met. The last objective of the experiment is to figure out the reaction with sodium bicarbonate. These are the four major objectives that are covered in the experiment.

Theory of the experiment

The chemical name of this particular acid is known as ethanoic acid. This is a very significant product found in the section of organic chemistry. This acid holds a chemical formula that shows bonding with three major elements. They are known as oxygen, hydrogen and carbon that make a bond in order to form a certain amount of organic acid. The carboxylic group of this acid is a very significant element as it moderates all the properties of this acid.

There is a different name for this acid as it freezes at a mildly cold room temperature which is only 16.6° C. The name is glacial acetic acid These are also known to give higher amount of carbon dioxide gas when the compound is added to te solution of sodium bicarbonate to a batch of this acid.

Procedure of the experiment

Figure 2 − Nature and applications of Acetic Acid

  • Experiment to finalise odour - In this particular experiment, the first step is to place a test tube in the test tube holder. The size of this test tube is 10 ml. In the second step, this acid needs to be poured into the test tube which must be smelled by the person to determine how ethanoic acid smells.

  • Experiment to explore the solubility of this acid under water - The first step is to get a beaker and mix the elements. The ratio of the solution must be 1:5 as per the acid and water respectively.

  • Litmus paper test - This is a very simple step where the person has to pour a few drops of acetic acid on a litmus paper (Li et al. 2020). One must use litmus paper that is blue in colour to get the perfect result.

  • The test for sodium bicarbonate - The person must add half a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate to the solution of ethanoic acid. The acid must be very dilute and have a small volume poured into the test tube. The tube must be sealed and the bottom sphere has to be dipped under freshly prepared lime water.

Observation and result

The observation of the first procedure is that acid produce a very pungent smell. Hence the result is to say this type of organic acid smells like vinegar. In the test of water solubility, this acid dissolves in water when the amount is very high. Thus the final result is that glacial acid is soluble in water. The litmus paper test proves that the acid changes the colour of blue litmus paper to pure red. Under the final experiment, it is observed that the acid turns the lime water into a different colour. It mostly looks like a pure white mixture very similar to the colour of milk.

Precautions of the experiment

The first step towards safety is to wear all the basic personal protective elements. This includes a goggles used in labs and a pair of gloves. The experiment must be conducted under the supervision of an experienced technician. It would be better if the person wears a mask to prevent the vapours from getting inside. Only a small amount of sodium bicarbonate must be used and the entire process must be handled with extreme care.


The tutorial gives a proper course of action for all learners who want to learn the properties of acetic acid. The tutorial contains all the theories that are very necessary for the learners to complete the experiment. The observation tries to show that this acid has the physical traits of vinegar and helps in the production of carbon dioxide.


1. How is acetic acid produced?

The natural way of producing acetic acid is by letting a portion of food rot in humid conditions. The sour taste of a fermented food comes because of acetic acid that is formed in it.

2. What is the medical use of acetic acid?

The acid acts as a very significant cure for a particular infection. When infection occurs on the outer side of the ear, it is stopped by the ear drop containing acetic acid.

3. Who discovered acetic acid?

The acid was discovered in the year 1845. Hermann Kolbe, a German chemist who discovered this organic compound.

Updated on: 24-Apr-2024


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