Found 4 Articles for Atoms and Molecules

Isotopes and Isobars

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 24-Apr-2024 16:57:19


Introduction Isotopes and isobars are two significant associated with the elements present in the periodic table. Isotopes have an equal atomic number, but varied mass number and isobars have an equal mass number but a varied atomic number. The radiochemist Frederick Soddy in the year 1913 introduced the idea of isotope by bringing the concept that elements may also have one or more extra mass numbers. Then the scientist Alfred Walter Stewar in the year 1918 discovered the existence of isobars, which means an identical mass number or atomic weight. The discovery of Isotopes and isobars has contradicted several theories ... Read More

Difference Between Atom and ion

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 22-Feb-2024 11:47:44


Introduction An atom, the smallest unit of an element, is composed of a tightly packed positively charged nucleus that is surrounded by negatively charged electrons. Atoms are divided into two parts: the atomic structure and the extra nucleus region. The atomic structure is composed of the neutral neutron (n°) and positively charged proton (P+). In the additional nucleus, there are electrons with a negative charge (e-). Atoms, as well as all other elements and compounds, have mass. The protons that make up an atom's nucleus are primarily responsible for its concentration of mass. Protons have the most mass when compared ... Read More

Difference Between AFM and STM

Md. Sajid
Updated on 14-Apr-2023 13:58:07

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Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM) are two very efficient techniques for examining materials at the atomic and molecular levels. AFM works on the interaction forces between the tip and the sample surface. STM is a sort of microscopy that scans the surface of a sample using a conductive tip. While AFM and STM have certain commonalities, they also have some substantial differences. Read this article to find out more about AFM and STM and how they are different from each other. What is AFM? AFM works on the interaction forces between the tip and the sample ... Read More


Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 11-Jan-2023 16:52:46


Introduction The positron is regarded as the positive electron where it is generally charged positively to the subatomic particles. Additionally, the particles that are charged can be equal to the subatomic magnitude of the electrons that are charged to create an antiparticle of a negative electron. Information About Electron, Neutron, Nucleon, And Proton The wreck of a positron which contains low energy and an electron that also contains low energy makes the consequence in the appearance of two or more gamma rays photons. This procedure is comprehended as the electron-positron annihilation. Electrons, protons, and neutrons are comprehended as ... Read More
