Natural Polymers


Natural polymers, often known as biopolymers, include substances that arise naturally throughout the lifespans of plants, animals, microorganisms, as well as fungi.

A polymer is a large molecule made up of numerous repeating structured subunits of such molecules. Polymers have become the foundation of 4 sectors − fibres, plastics, elastomers, as well as resins. Polymerization has been the process by which polymers are formed from their monomers. Polymers are tough to categorize owing to their incredibly complicated structures, diverse behaviour, and a vast array of uses. As a result, we categorize polymers based on the following factors:

  • Source of Availability

  • Structure

  • Mode of Polymerization

  • Molecular Forces

  • Growth Polymerization

What are Natural Polymers?

Natural polymers are the sort of polymers present in biological systems and thus are made up of organic as well as inorganic components. These occur spontaneously or even contribute to an organism's basic functions. They have monosaccharides, amino acids, and nucleotides as subunits.

Their presence in the body serves tasks such as giving structural stability to cells, transferring specific genes between generations, functioning as a source of power, as well as assisting in numerous metabolic actions of the biological process.

Classification based on source of Polymer

  • Natural Polymers − All such polymers have been identified in plants, and animals but also exist spontaneously in nature. Proteins, rubber, as well as cellulose, are some examples.

  • Semi-Synthetic Polymers − Such polymers have been formed by chemically modifying biopolymers. For instance, cellulose acetate, cellulose nitrate, and so on.

  • Synthetic Polymers − These polymers seem to be artificial. Plastic is the most widely used man-made polymer. They have been used in a variety of industries as well as in milk products. Polyether and nylon-6, 6 are some examples.

Classification based on the structure of a Polymer

  • Linear Polymers − Linear polymers could be defined by their long as well as straight chains. PVC, for illustration, is utilized in electrical cables or pipelines.

  • Branched-chain Polymers − Branched-chain polymers have straight chains that produce branches. Low-density polythene would be one example.

  • Cross-linked Polymers − Bifunctional, as well as trifunctional monomers, are found in cross-linked polymers. It seems to exhibit a stronger covalent bond than linear polymers. Melamine, as well as bakelite, are two examples.

Classification based on mode of Polymerization

  • Addition Polymerization − Molecules with relatively similar and distinct monomers combine on huge scales to produce polymers during addition polymerization. Such monomers include unsaturated molecules such as alkenes, alkadienes, and their derivatives. Teflon, PVC, polyethene, and so on are examples.

  • Condensation Polymerization − A condensation process involving 2 bi- functional as well as tri-functional monomeric units has been repeated in Condensation Polymerization. Examples- polyesters, Perylene, and so forth.

Classification based on Molecular Forces

  • Elastomers − An elastomer is indeed a type of material that expands before returning to its initial structure. This is an arbitrarily arranged amorphous polymer. Cross-linking is used in the composition of elastomers to prohibit the chains from sliding over each other. The strong interactions between elastomers are weak. Rubber, as well as Buna-S, are two examples.

  • Fibres − Fibres include linear polymers containing hydrogen bonds as well as a dipole-dipole attraction that keep the polymer chains intact. The polymeric chains within the fibres seem to be well coordinated relative to each other. Fibres have quite a durable, strong, as well as high tensile strength. Nylon-6, 6 would be an example.

  • Thermoplastics − These contain long-chain polymers that are held together through Van der Waal forces. Whenever heated, certain polymers soften as well as stiffen after cooled, generating a rigid mass. They have no cross bonds and may be readily moulded by heating while using moulds. Polyvinyl chloride is indeed an example.

  • Thermosetting polymers − They have low molecular weights and are semi- fluid. Once heated, they begin to cross-link among polymer chains, causing them to become hard as well as insoluble. With the action of heat, they develop a 3D structure. Such a reaction seems to be irreversible. Phenolics, epoxies, as well as silicones, are a few examples.

Classification based on Growth Polymerization

  • Chain-Growth Polymerization − These polymers can be obtained by adding repeating units to a developing chain that contains reactive intermediates. Chain growth polymerization is indeed a key process in the chemistry of alkenes as well as conjugated dienes. They include PVC, polystyrene, polypropylene, and polythene.

  • Step-Growth Polymerization − These polymers have been produced in many different steps. Every step requires the condensation of 2 subunits, which results in the production of a small polymer. Nylon, terylene, and bakelite are some examples.

What are Synthetic Polymers?

Synthetic polymers are usually produced in laboratories as a result of chemical reactions. Such polymers do not exist naturally, and they should be produced. It is a long-chain polyethylene, which is developed by introducing ethylene subunits to a gradually lengthy chain.


Copolymers are polymers formed when several monomers interact to polymerize. Example: Acrylonitrile - styrene copolymer.

Biodegradable Polymers

Polymers can break down under aerobic as well as anaerobic circumstances as a consequence of microbial impact. It is produced using components such as starch, cellulose, as well as polyesters. One of the most prevalent polymers of this kind includes aliphatic polyesters. Nylon 2-nylon 6, as well as Polyhydroxybutyrate, seem to be a few examples.


We concluded that by examining various forms of polymers as well as their applications in everyday life. Specialists classed them according to their abundance, availability, molecular forces, as well as thermal conductivity. The most popular method to categorize polymers has been into three categories − thermoplastics, thermosets, as well as elastomers.

Polymer subunits react with each other to form polymer chains during the polymerization reaction. Atoms are united together as links in a chain to produce a polymer chain. Polymers' characteristics vary depending on when molecules have been bonded as well as how they would be bonded.


1. What are the applications of natural polymers?

Natural polymers have found significant use in a broad range of biomedical applications, including medicines, tissue repair scaffolds, drug carrier agents, as well as bioimaging. They are often used as treatments for acute and chronic injuries in wound treatment.

2. What delays polymer degradation?

Lubricants, often known as processing aids, as well as flow aids, could be used to decrease mechanical deterioration. These would minimize friction not just against production equipment and even within polymer chains, culminating in a drop in melt viscosity.

3. What are the benefits of using natural polymers?

Natural polymers are less expensive to produce than synthetic polymers. They are non-toxic but also safe for both human as well as ecological use, but synthetic polymers contain concentrated chemicals which are not as reliable as natural polymers.

4. What parameters influence polymer properties?

Many factors influence polymer mechanical as well as physical properties, such as molar mass, manufacturing, crystalline phase, and distribution.

5. What are a few examples of polymers utilized in daily life?

Polymer-based products are everywhere − synthetic fibre clothes, polyethylene glasses, fibreglass, nylon gears, plastic bags, polymer-based colours, adhesive glue, as well as Teflon-coated utensils.

Updated on: 24-Apr-2024


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