Found 22 Articles for Acids, Bases, and Salts

Properties of Bases

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 24-Apr-2024 15:59:46


Introduction Base has three different types of definitions in the field of chemistry. All these definitions conclude same meaning of base. Base gives out electrons in solvent medium hence develop positive charge or excess proton in its molecular structure. Structure of bases The structure of bases is very unique to one another as these tend to make a proper compound for reduction of concentration of acids. Base gives out a pair of electron to the dilute solution of acid. The entire element starts to see a high concentration of acid start to transition over a phase which very diluted by ... Read More

Properties of Acetic Acid Experiment

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 24-Apr-2024 16:01:17


Introduction The field of organic chemistry is full of several acids considered to be safe for consumption by every human being. The acetic acid is one such chemical compound used in a large number of commercial products produced in several industries. The functional group of this acid is called methyl. Aim of the experiment Figure 1 − Structure of Acetic Acid Acetic acid plays a very significant role in the daily life of human being. They are very common as human consider this acid as part of their diet. The aim of this experiment is to test the amount ... Read More

Hypoiodous Acid

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 23-Apr-2024 10:49:53


Introduction Hypoiodous acid an iodine oxoacid as well as an inorganic compound. It would have the structural formula 𝐻𝑂𝐼 and is a greenish-yellow liquid. Whenever an aq. solution of iodine has been reacted with silver salts, 𝐻𝑂𝐼 is formed. A hypoiodite conjugate acid is named hypoiodous acid. Although hypoiodite exists in the state of such a monovalent anion. The acidic molecule Hypoiodous acid is dehydrated to produce hypoiodite. 𝐻𝑂𝐼 seems to be a volatile iodine compound. What is Hypoiodous Acid? The chemical solution hypoiodous acid seems to be greenish-yellow in hue. Hypoiodous Acid has the molecular formula 𝐻𝑂𝐼. While iodine ... Read More


Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 23-Apr-2024 10:54:49


Introduction Hydroxide is a negatively charged diatomic ion. It combines with positively charged metals like sodium, magnesium, aluminium, etc. It also merges with organic compounds like ethyl, methyl, and aromatic rings. The name of the compound is represented by the prefix or suffix of the molecule. For Example, when it is attached to metal sodium it forms sodium hydroxide. When it combines with ethane, it forms ethyl alcohol. What is Hydroxide? A Hydroxide ion is a combination of hydrogen and an oxygen atom held together by a covalent bond. It is a negatively charged ion, also known as hydroxyl ion ... Read More

Henderson Hasselbalch Equation

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 22-Apr-2024 12:11:42


Introduction Henderson Hasselbalch was derived by Lawrence Joseph Henderson in 1908. The equation is used for the calculation of the pH of the buffer solution. Karl Albert Hasselbalch then in 1917 rewrote the equation in the logarithmic form. The logarithmic form of this equation is more used. A buffer solution is the combination of an acid and a salt. The property of the buffer solution is that the pH of the buffer mixture will not change with the addition of acid or base. That is, they are resistant to the change in pH. The calculation of hydrogen ion concentration thereby ... Read More

Calculate Ph of Weak Acid

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 18-Apr-2024 15:34:37


Introduction Acidic and basic compounds are always fascinating things for scientists at that time. The colour change experiment using litmus paper is commonly used for the identification of the strength of acid and bases. But it does not give proper data on the acidity and basicity of chemical compounds. The proper identification of the acidity of a chemical compound is very necessary. In the year 1909, the chemist Søren Sørensen introduced the concept of pH from the old theories that are prevailing at that time. He also introduced the pH scale which is a breakthrough of certain theories present at ... Read More

Hydrobromic Acid

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 22-Mar-2024 11:21:15


Introduction H and Br atoms combine to form the diatomic compound known as hydrobromic acid. Between the hydrogen and the bromine, there is a covalent link. It also goes by the name Hydrogen Bromide and has the molecular symbol HBr. Because of the high electronegativity of the Br atoms, the covalent connection between them can be rapidly ionized, making it an extremely strong acid. It is more potent than hydrochloric acid. Hydrobromic acid's molecular formula is HBr One molecule of H and one molecule of bromine gas are combined to create one molecule of hydrobromic acid. $$\mathrm{H_2+Br_2 ... Read More

Chloroacetic Acid

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 14-Mar-2024 16:57:31


Introduction Chloroacetic acid was first prepared by French chemist Felix LeBlanc in 1843. He made it possible in the presence of sunlight, simply by chlorinating Acetic acid. In the year 1857, A German Chemist named Reinhold Hoffmann prepared Chloroacetic acid in the presence of Chlorine and sunlight by refluxing glacial Acetic acid. In the same year, French chemist Charles Adolphe Wurtz made the Chloroacetic acid by hydrolysis of Chloroacetyl Chloride. What is Chloroacetic acid? Chloroacetic acid is a chemical name, which can be defined as an organochlorine compound. It can be represented as the $\mathrm{C_{2}H_{3}O_{2}Cl}$. It is also referred to ... Read More

Tannic Acid

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 13-Mar-2024 13:55:47


Introduction Tannic acid is one type of tannin and these two terms are used “interchangeably”. A “tannic acid” is a form of "tannin" and "one type of polyphenol". It can be used in “the food industry and medical field”. It can cause damage to the "eye, skin and even to the respiratory system". Tannins are the basic ingredients for the “chemical staining of woods”. What is Tannic Acid? “Tannic acid” can be defined as a “type of polyphenol” and it is an “organic molecule”. The chemical formula that can represent tannic acid is “$\mathrm{C_{76}H_{52}O_{46}}$”. It can be referred to as ... Read More

Sulfurous Acid

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 12-Mar-2024 12:05:35


Introduction Sulfurous acid is highly “toxic, corrosive, and non-combustible” in nature that affects human health if inhaled in an excess amount. The individual can lead to death if the acid encounters their skin, or if it is “inhaled or ingested” in a higher amount. It can cause severe skin burns and affect vision if gets into the eyes. Sulfurous acid also liberates “irritating, corrosive, and toxic gases”. What is Sulfurous Acid? Sulfurous acid is determined as an “unstable and weak acid” that is derived when “sulphur dioxide” are dissolved in water. The formula of Sulfurous acid can be written as ... Read More
