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Software Testing - Comparison Testing

Software development is completed by following the different phases of the software development life cycle (SDLC). During the testing phase, both the functional and non-functional requirements of the software are verified. Comparison testing is a testing technique adopted to verify a newly developed software.

What is Comparison Testing?

The comparison testing is performed to gauge the strengths, and weaknesses of a newly developed software and compare it with the already existing software in the market. It allows a comparison on the performance of the new software with the existing one in the market. It works to enhance the overall quality, performance, and improve features of the software.

The comparison testing helps to detect the shortcomings of a newly developed software and to overcome those shortcomings in order to make it market ready and be able to withstand the competitions in the market. However, the overall objective of the comparison testing is not only to make the software ready for market but also to improve its quality.

Any part of the newly developed software can be considered for comparison testing, namely the graphical user interface, performance, speed, security, scalability etc. This is determined by the nature of the software, and the various business use cases for which it has been developed.

Time to Perform Comparison Testing

The comparison testing of a software can be performed at any time. There is no particular stage when it should be performed, nor is it aligned to any particular phase in the SDLC. It can be done independently or performed along with other testing phases of the software. However, it is mostly concerned at the stages listed below −

  • The initial stages of the SDLC.
  • The middle stages of the SDLC.
  • The final stages of the SDLC.

Conditions are Tested in the Comparison Testing

The conditions which are tested in the comparison testing are listed below −

  • A complete comparison is made to ensure that the software is developed as per the standards, rules, regulations, guidelines, compliances etc.
  • A comparison is made between a particular functionality of the software with another existing software’s functionality which is already available in the market.

Advantages of Comparison Testing

The advantages of the comparison testing are listed below −

  • It detects the weak points and strengths of the newly developed software.
  • It enhances the overall quality of the software.
  • It gives us an idea of how much the new software will be able to withstand the market competition and stay relevant for a long time.
  • It helps to measure the amount of marketing needed to promote and push the software to the market.
  • After performing a round of comparison testing, we can get a rough idea of the profitable business that the software has the potential to earn.
  • It verifies all the critical features of the software before it is commercially released for the public.
  • It assists in gathering knowledge about the internal working of the software.
  • It helps the software to improve its features and stand more competitive in the market.
  • It helps to recognize if the newly developed software is marketable and can attract investment.
  • It gives an idea if the software is workable, scalable, secure, etc and can be used for a long time.
  • It helps the business to avoid situations where it may face huge loss due to usage of the software.

Disadvantages of Comparison Testing

The disadvantages of the comparison testing are listed below −

  • It is an expensive effort to modify any of the software functionalities after it has undergone several phases of development cycle.
  • The customers develop perspective over the newly developed after knowing about its shortcomings, and insufficiencies.


This concludes our comprehensive take on the tutorial on Software Comparison Testing. We’ve started with describing what is a comparison testing, at what time does the comparison testing of a software is performed, what conditions are tested in the comparison testing, What are the advantages of comparison testing, and what are the disadvantages of comparison testing. This equips you with in-depth knowledge of Software Comparison Testing. It is wise to keep practicing what you’ve learned and exploring others relevant to Software Testing to deepen your understanding and expand your horizons.
