Twitter Marketing - Automation

While some automation tools do nothing but make your social media profile look like an announcement board, other tools can be used to synchronize right into your normal engagement to give it a helpful boost.

With express user consent, posting an automated Tweet after completing a particular action is permitted. For example, posting a Tweet after a user uploads a video to YouTube creates a new photo album, or beats a high score if permitted.

Automating Tweets by Streaming External Information

This is how you can do it −

  • Blog feeds − With express user consent, you may post automated updates of a user’s own content, such as blog posts as long as the posts comply with the Twitter Rules.

  • Redirects or promotional pages − Posting automated links that redirect through landing or ad pages before the final content is prohibited. Such behavior constitutes the posting of misleading links, which is a violation of the Twitter Rules.

  • Feeds for community benefit − With express user consent, you are permitted to create feeds for what Twitter deems to be community benefit, or to provide information to a niche group of users such as local weather feeds or transit information, as long as the posts comply with the Twitter Rules.

    You can view the complete Twitter Rules regarding automation here −

  • Direct Messaging − With express user consent, automation of Direct Messaging is permitted. If your application sends or facilitates automated Direct Messages, users must request or otherwise indicate an intent to send or receive Direct Messages in advance.

Automation Etiquette Tips for Twitter

When it comes to creating automated content for Twitter, here are a few guidelines from the professionals −

  • Be more social.

  • Stop the automated direct messages.

  • Don’t over-do it with scheduling content.

  • Differentiate with effort.

Useful Tools for Twitter

Leveraging the power of Twitter needs some third-party applications that cater to the features lacking in the main app directly. There are over a ton of Twitter third-party tools that are solely designed for a single purpose, here are some of the best −


It is simply one of the best Twitter tools out there for users who tend to Tweet in short bursts. Distributed Tweets throughout the day tend to convert better, and Buffer lets you schedule your Tweets to the best performing time of the day. A balanced tweeting schedule is the sign of an organized individual and should gain you more attention.


It helps to easily determine inactive and quiet Twitter accounts to unfollow, and use the powerful shortcuts to easily follow relevant accounts. It offers advanced unique features like analytics and powerpost. Powerpost schedules your post automatically for optimum visibility and engagement.


This is like Google Alerts for Twitter. Just set up your keywords and you get Email alerts for the same. When you or your brand gets mentioned on Twitter, you can use Twilert to alert you by Email and you can participate in the interaction.


You thought you couldn’t interact with individual users apart from direct mentions or direct message on Twitter? Think again! TweetChat allows users to participate in individual chatting sessions instead of public mentioning by the use of hashtags. Perfect for Twitter Parties!


Social media is all about connecting people with similar interests and thoughts and Twibes does the best when connecting these people. Twibes is basically Twitter groups based on different interests and topics. Joining interest groups is a great way to making the most of building effective connections online and Twibes is a great place to start for Twitter users.
