Word Problem With Multiple Decimal Operations: Problem type 1

For first two days it snowed 2.6 centimeters each day. The next three days, it snowed 3.4 centimeters each day. How much did it snow on those five days?


Step 1:

Amount of snowfall on first two days

= 2 × 2.6

= 5.2 cm

Amount of snowfall on next three days

= 3 × 3.4

= 10.2 cm

Step 2:

Total snowfall in the five days

= 5.2 + 10.2

= 15.4 cm

Jamie ordered 7 pizzas and 8 burgers. Each pizza costs $12.85 and each burger costs $11.75. How much does she need to pay?


Step 1:

Cost of pizzas = 7 × 12.85 = $89.95

Cost of burgers = 8 × 11.75 = $94.00

Step 2:

Total amount to be paid = $89.95 + $94.00

= $183.95
