Know about YouTube and How to find Free Movies on YouTube?

Many people have a desire to watch free movies on YouTube in their homes, wearing comfortable T-shirts and shorts and eating homemade popcorn. Yes, definitely YouTube is the best option for watching free full-length movies online for free.

YouTube is also known as largest online video sharing website. It occupies third position, based on the number of visitors, first position occupied by Google and second Facebook. The subscriber number goes in billions and it offers different features, where one can with ease find full-length movies and short dialogues and much more. For the few, watching full-length movies is a new experience, as many are not familiar as to how to find full-length movies on YouTube.

Brief History

The founders of YouTube were three former PayPal employees; they began working on a website, wherein people can share videos with the world. On 14th Feb 2005, they activated the domain name, within in few months website was designed and developed.

Within a year of its inception, the site was getting nearing to 65,000 video uploads, during those days the YouTube was ranked 5th most popular website on Alexa. The site was getting more than 20,000 visitors each month, mostly the audiences were teenagers. On 9th Oct 2006, YouTube was sold to Google for US $1.6 billion.

Search for the Full Movie

A simple way to find full-length movie on YouTube is to type in the name of the movie followed by the full length. A few times, it is possible that you might not be able to find full movie, incase if it is a new release. You must search further by adding an additional description on the search bar.

Few Stunning Features

  • Create a Playlist
  • Opt out from an advertisement
  • Videos monetization
  • Creation of watch list
  • Upload a video

Zero Dollar Movies

It is a new site for movie buffs, it helps you find as well as discover movies which are available free on YouTube. There exist no trailers on these full-length movies or partial uploads. Presently the collection is more than 15000 movies which organized based on the year of release. Each day new titles get added. You will be able to find movies in Hindi, English and other few regional languages.

Flag Video Button: On the Zero Dollar site, if you encounter a video which has been removed from YouTube, because the original owner has not uploaded it or YouTube has terminated the Owner’s channel, in that case, please use the Flag Video button to report the video.

Subscribe to Movies Channel

Since YouTube has been gaining popularity, watching online movies for free, one can easily find the channels which have been associated with publishing movies. Not only will you be able to find popular but old and movies as well.

You require YouTube account, for subscribing to numerous channels. You can also very well use Gmail account and password. By subscribing YouTube channel, one can easily find favorite movies and watch it for free online.

  • Firstly, you are required to type in the search bar, full movies or free full-length movies followed by selecting a filter.
  • Secondly, you are required to select the result type, followed by channels and you will find that YouTube channels would be displayed.
  • Thirdly, go through the channels, and once you get the desired channel, click on subscribe.

Movies Section

YouTube does feature movie section, which is available on the main page. After opening the YouTube page, it offers the option to choose the category. In case you are not able to find the category, add a slash bar after the website address and then type in the movie’s name. The above method would display different movie channels based on the language and style of the movie.

YouTube Videos Blocked in your Nation?

In nations like China and Pakistan, following government orders, ISP frequently blocks access to YouTube. In a few cases, even if you are staying in countries like UK, US where you might not be able to watch every video on YouTube because content owners might not have allowed access to people belonging to specific geographic regions.

If your computer IP address does fall outside the geographic region, YouTube would display an error stating, this video is not available in your nation. This particular message has nothing to do with censorship, the video clip owners might be limiting access.

In Action, YouTube Filters

For example, video uploaded on YouTube by Sony Entertainment or Warner Brothers might not be available outside of United States. One more recent instance, Olympic game channel was blocked in the United States.

In the same way, the BBC videos on YouTube can only be watched in the UK. When asked for reasons, it stated that the BBC is funded from UK with the help of license fee, hence Videos are not available outside UK.

How can you Bypass YouTube Region Filtering?

YouTube uses your computer IP address in order to determine your physical location as well as nation. On YouTube to bypass country-specific restriction, you need to follow this trick.

  • Download the Video available on YouTube using a proxy and watch it offline. The other trick is, inside the Google Translate, you require to type the YouTube Video URL and use this as a free Google Proxy server.

Personal Channel

You will be assigned a personal channel when you become a member of YouTube. People will be able to view your videos which, you have uploaded.

Youtube no doubt is a best video sharing website today and always. Whenever you get free time watch movies in your native language or preferred language, have a good time with your friends and family.

Updated on: 21-Jan-2020


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