Gab Alternatives

What is Gab?

Gab is a social media website which was launched in 2016 as an alternative to Facebook and Twitter. Gab. The popularity of the website is increasing at a fast pace and now millions of users are using the platform to share their ideas in the form of text, images, videos, and other formats. Gab was criticized as many users posted hateful speech and racist comments on the platform. Because of all this, the platform is facing difficulty and cannot run smoothly.

What is Gab Alternatives?

Gab has many disadvantages which can be found in the list below:

  • Gab provides misinformation

  • Lots of hatred and racists posts can be found

  • The platform is joined by those users who have been banned from other popular social media platforms

How to choose a Gab Alternative?

Gab has many advantages which are available in the list below:

  • Gab is a speech−oriented and free software

  • Gab chat can be used to share ideas with other users

  • Chat on Gab is secure due to end−to−end encryption

Top 10 Gab Alternatives

Gab has many alternatives and top−rated ones have been discussed here in detail.

Alternative 1 − Mighty Networks

Mighty Networks is an alternative to Gab and can be used to start a community. You can post online courses, content videos, memberships, etc. on the platform. Mighty Networks can easily run on different platforms like iOS and Android. It can also easily work on web browsers. Network subscription is available at $23 per month.

Alternative 2 − BitClout

BitClout is a social media platform and open−source software which can be used as a replacement for Gab. Writings and pictures can be easily posted on the platform. The platform also gives money to those users whose post is liked. The platform was launched in 2021 and can be used as a social media tool.

Alternative 3 − Locals

Locals is another social media platform and an alternative to Gab. The platform can be used to publish content. You can also use the platform to be in touch with your friends and family. You can earn money through subscriptions. Content creators can find good tools which can help them in developing their careers.

Alternative 4 − Parler

Parler is a social media app which can be used for providing free speech. There are more than one million users who use the platform. Some of these users are supporters of Donald Trump. The app can be easily installed on iOS and Android devices.

Alternative 5 − MeWe

MeWe is a social media platform which is founded in 2012. People turned to the platform as Facebook and social media platforms were facing issues in China. MeWe became a popular program in 2020 in Hong Kong. It is a free platform which can be used to share ideas with family and friends.

Alternative 6 − Minds

Minds is a social media platform which is based on Blockchain. If you become a member of this platform, you will get the opportunity of earning money through cryptocurrency. Tokens are offered by this platform which can be used for the boosting of views of users’ posts. Minds can be downloaded for free.

Alternative 7 − Mastodon

Mastodon is a free alternative to Gab and users can use the platform to run self−hosted social networking services. The tool consists of different features for microblogging similar to Twitter. The platform supports 82 languages so users will not face language problems. The platform can be used for free on different devices.

Alternative 8 − Gettr

Gettr is a platform which can be used as an alternative to Gab and Twitter. Gettr was launched on July 4, 2021, by an aide of Donald Trump named Jason Miller. The app is available to be downloaded on any operating system for free.

Alternative 9 − Carbon

Carbon is an alternative to Gab and users can use it as a social media platform, playing games, earn money through games, crypto rewards, NFT integration, and many more. Carbon is a free app that can be downloaded on any device. The tool is free to use.

Alternative 10 − Zingr

Zingr is another popular social media platform which can be used as a replacement for Gab. The tool can be used to post stories, videos, audio, and meet new people. You can share your experiences through this app with the users in your city. This is the reason the app is popular as your city in your pocket.


Gab is a controversial social media platform which can be used to share ideas, posts, audio, videos, etc. It is controversial because of misinformation provided here. Racists and hate speeches can also be found here. There are many other social media platforms that can be used as Gab substitutes. Some of them are BitClout, MeWe, Locals, etc.

Updated on: 01-Aug-2023


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