Domains That Contribute to Organisational Behaviour

Organisational behaviour is a domain that has built itself by taking into consideration the various behavioural science domains. Various behavioural sciences have contributed to its significance. It has contributions from various behavioural disciplines mainly psychology and social psychology, sociology, and anthropology.

The contributions of psychology are mainly at the micro level of analysis or we can say individual level, while the other disciplines have contributed to the organisational behaviour at the macro level or group processes and organisation level.

Contributing domains of organisational behavior

Let's understand every discipline which has contributed to organisational behaviour.


Let's first understand what is the basic definition of psychology. So psychology is a science that helps to measure, explain, and many times change the behaviour and attitude of humans and animals. The main goal of psychology is to measure, describe, and sometimes modify the nature of humans and other animals. The various learning theorist, personality theorists, counselling theorists and most important industrial and organisational psychologists have contributed and continue to add to the domain of organisational behaviour.

The early industrial psychologist studied the different factors which affected the work conditions of the workers. The various factors to be studied are fatigue, boredom, and other working conditions that affect efficient work performance.

Let's outline the different contributions of psychology to organisational behaviour −

  • The learning of different individuals − the ways and factors by which different individuals learn and grow are an important area of study. Psychology helps individuals learn about different things in an organisation.

  • The ways by which individuals are motivated − the different factors of motivation in an organisation that help the individuals to work—is a special area of organisational behaviour.

  • The personality of individuals − The personality traits of an individual are an important factor that helps to maintain his place in an organisation.

  • The emotions of individuals − The emotions of an individual about each other and their workplace are an important area of organisational behaviour.

  • The perception of individuals − The perception of an individual towards different things and people in an organisation is an important area of OB.

  • The training of individuals − The training of different individuals to accelerate their effectiveness is an important area of OB.

  • Leadership effectiveness − The factors to improve the effectiveness of individuals is an important area of OB.

  • Job satisfaction − The level of job satisfaction in an organisation is an important area of OB.

  • Individual decision-making − The Individual decision-making power in an organisation is an important part of OB.

  • The performance appraisal − The appraisal of performance through different tools and techniques is an important part of OB.

  • The attitude measurement − The diversion of the attitude of different persons towards each other is an important part of OB.

  • The Employee selection − The selection of a particular employee in an organisation is an important part of OB.

  • The work design − The work design of a particular organisation affects an individual to a large extent which is an important part of OB.

  • Work stress − Work stress due to different intrinsic and extrinsic factors in an organisation is an important part of OB.

Social Psychology

Social psychology is a field of psychology that combines psychology and sociology and focuses on the effects of individual behaviour on one another. Social psychology is a discipline of psychology that has implied knowledge of both psychology and sociology. It focuses on people's influence on each other. The main aim of social psychology is to establish change. The main areas of social psychology revolve around implementing change in any organisation while reducing barriers and fostering its acceptance.

Social psychologists contribute to measuring, understanding, and changing behaviour, identifying the communication model, and emphasising and fostering trust. Finally, they contribute to learning the different group behaviour, power and conflict in a workspace.

Let's look in bullet points at the contribution of social psychology to organisational behaviour

  • Behavioural amendment − The behavioural amendment of individuals while living in a group for a certain period of time is an important part of OB.

  • Attitude amendment − The amendment of attitude while living in a group is an important part of OB.

  • Communication − Communication between individuals of different groups is an important part of OB.

  • Group processes − the distinct processes in a group are an important part of OB.

  • Group decision-making − Collective group decision-making is an important part of OB.

  • Power − The power of different individuals in a group is an important part of OB.

  • Conflict − The conflict between individuals in an organisation is an important part of OB

  • Intergroup behaviour − The behaviour of an individual inside a group is an important part of OB.


Sociology is the study of people in relation to their social background and cultural preferences. While psychology learns about the nature of individuals and their effect on organisations and each other, sociology comes into play when individuals are in a group. It studies the social environment and culture. Sociology has contributed to a large extent to the behaviour of individuals in the workplace, particularly in formal and chaotic organisations.

Let's study in bullet point the contribution of sociology organisational al behaviour

  • Communication − The communication of different individuals in a society is an important part of OB.

  • Power − The power of individuals in a society is an important part of OB.

  • Conflict − Conflict within society is an important part of OB.

  • Intergroup behaviour − Intragroup behaviour is an important part of OB.

  • Formal organisation theory − The different theories if the organisation in a formal way is an important part of OB.

  • Organisational technology − The different tools and technologies in an organisation are an important part of OB.

  • Organisational change − Organisational change is a pivot part of OB.

  • Organisational culture − The pattern of cultural transition in an organisation is a pivotal part of OB


Anthropology is a deep study of societies to learn about human beings and their societies and background. Anthropology is the branch of science that studies societies to learn about humans and their activities. An anthropologist studies different cultures of humans to learn about the differences between the fundamental values, attitudes, and behaviours of people in different places and within a particular organisation.

Let's learn in bullet points the contribution of anthropology to organisational behaviour

  • Comparative value − The comparative values of societies in an organisation is an important part of OB

  • Comparative attitude − The comparative attitude of different societies of people in an organisation is an important part of OB.

  • cross-cultural analysis − The Different cross-cultural analysis of a society has a major impact on an organisation.

  • Organisational culture − The culture of an organisation affects it greatly.

  • Organisational environment power − The power of a particular environment has a deep effect on an organisation and affects OB.


Psychology and social psychology have affected and influenced organisational behaviour at the individual level, while sociology and anthropology have affected it at the group level. All these four distinct areas of behavioural science have a large impact on organisations, both at the micro and macro levels.

Updated on: 13-Apr-2023


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