How can an ordinary man contribute to women’s safety?

Wise men say that charity begins at home and there is no denial in this point. Mahatma Gandhi had once claimed – ‘Be the Change you want to see in this world’. If we wish to create a safe space for our women in all walks of life, then men have to be equal participants in creating a gender inclusive society. But the major question remains is that how one simple and ordinary man can start this bring positive change.

Here are a few small steps with which men can start contributing towards women safety -

A Lonely Woman Is Your Responsibility and Not An Opportunity

This is mainly from the point of view of a change in ideology. For many years, patriarchy has corrupted the thinking of men in our society. They are considered inferior to men. These thoughts get translated into actions. Hence, it is important to take the major step of giving protection to a lonely woman. She is too associated with a family and your ethics are proved when you assist her in giving safety.

Respect their Position and Achievements

Whenever a woman achieves something at the workplace or doing well, appreciate and recognize her efforts if you are at the lower ranks of the hierarchy. Continue to respect her in the same manner if you are her superior and never demand physical pleasure from her as it snatches the security of women and her fundamental dignity.

Some senior individuals do this to pull the position of women down at work; therefore, women feel the threat to working with such bosses. A complete ‘no’ attitude has to be developed for this. Do not encourage any other male colleague who displays such behavior Keep it clear that they will never get any support from you.

Lead An Example to Help Women

While you are just like many others, you can definitely stand out when it comes to women safety. Women’s safety implies giving her security and comfort at the micro level too. If there is a pregnant woman, sick woman, or a woman who has to stay late night owing to overtime, give her some support in any possible form.

Talk About their Rights

While we speak about creating a safe space for women, it is important to create a safe environment even in the form of dialogues. As a man, talk about the equal role and participation of men and women in the household as well as at workplaces. Talk about how the position of women degraded due to the vested interests of some people. Have this kind of attitude both at home and at the organization you are associated with. Safety starts with words. It helps in creating a broader outlook and automatically gets translated into action.

Updated on: 27-Jun-2020


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