Found 264 Articles for Website

what is web hosting and how does it work?

Om Sharma
Updated on 27-Apr-2022 11:29:07


Web HostingWeb Hosting is a service that allows companies and individuals to establish a website or web page onto the Internet. A web hosting service provider or a web host is a business that offers the technologies and services required for the website or webpage to be viewed whenever a user wants to view it through the Internet.How Does It Work?Special computers vastly known as servers store these websites and pages and help to access and view whenever they get the command. Their computers get connected to their server and your web pages will be delivered to their screen through ... Read More

How can I start writing or editing for Wikipedia?

Om Sharma
Updated on 26-Apr-2022 07:33:05


A web-based encyclopedia, Wikipedia is open to every individual who wants to write or edit. Wikipedia enjoys its badge of being the world’s largest wiki at present. If you want to start writing/editing for this platform follow these steps.Choose Your LanguageGo to the Main Page of Wikipedia or you can pick the language if you want to choose other than English. You can go to the international page click on your language.Check for the TopicNow, type in the topic in the search bar and check whether your topic already exists or not. If you are going to write on a ... Read More

How can I increase the page rank of my website?

Om Sharma
Updated on 26-Apr-2022 06:57:45


Search engines including Google calculate your page rank through different and a very complicated chain of algorithms. In a layman’s word, your website is ranked on the basis of the number of backlinks, internal links, external links, inbound links, no-follow links and do-follow links. Most of the search engines analyze these links and allocate a page rank from 1 to 10 to your website. Following are the tips to improve page rank.Quality ContentUndoubtedly, there is no substitute for high-quality content and if you maintain the flow of good content then half of the battle is won. In plain terms, quality ... Read More

What are the funniest engineering memes of all time?

Om Sharma
Updated on 26-Jun-2020 08:32:15


Engineers, in my opinion, do not belong to our world because they live a life, which sucks them every moment. People look at this species from top to bottom with a weird glance. These poor fellows, actually, forget what life is and the last carefree moment they had was before entering the engineering college premises. How those four years (in most of the cases throughout life) their existence becomes a huge torture for them is being portrayed here, have an apathetic glance.Being a solo girl you become the center of attraction no matter how you look .... hehehe!

What are bad links?

Om Sharma
Updated on 26-Jun-2020 07:58:13


A particular link, which is created to manipulate PageRank or the ranking of a website in Google search result falls under the category of a link scheme, which further violates Google’s Webmaster Guidelines. This also includes a certain way of manipulating links to your website or the outgoing links from your website.

Is affiliate a good option for an online gaming platform?

Om Sharma
Updated on 26-Jun-2020 07:11:49


Affiliated marketing is undoubtedly a great option for any platform as affiliate marketer are exploring new and amazing ways to draw in more methods of income. Affiliate marketing helps you earn a commission for each successful referral. The number of traffic you bring to a website decides how often they click on live links available to them.

How to download all images on a web page at once?

Smita Kapse
Updated on 25-Feb-2020 07:18:08

1K+ Views

Chrome Extensions eases your work since it provides more features. To download all images on a web page at once, use a Chrome Extension.Download the Image Downloader chrome extension, which is open source. After adding it to Chrome, you can see the following settings −An icon will be visible in the Chrome browser, which is for Image Downloading. Go to the webpage from where you need the images.On reaching the page, click the extension icon as shown below −Click on the images you want to download or select all from the checkbox. After that click Download and that’s it.Here, you ... Read More

How to create a multi-resolution favicon with GIMP?

Abhinanda Shri
Updated on 12-Mar-2020 12:24:07

1K+ Views

Favicons are generally 16x16, but these days we can multi-resolution favicons also. To create a multi-resolution favicon, first, you need to create the highest-resolution version of the favicon, with an image of 256 × 256 px. Reduce the size of multiple resolutions and export, 16x16, 32x32.Open GIMP and from the File menu, open the 32x32 version of the Favicon. After that rightclick on the image and Open the other Favicon icons as layers,After that Export the image as Favicon, with extension .ico and add it to the website using the following code −

How to redirect URLs with your Hosting Account?

Fendadis John
Updated on 25-Feb-2020 06:31:24


You can easily redirect URLs to the settings under your hosting account. Let’s say you have a blogger blog and you want to redirect it to your website.A redirect automatically sends your visitors to another destination, within the same site or a new URL.Follow the below given steps to redirect URLs to your hosting account, Go to your hosting account and log in.Click Manage Web Hosting and reach the cPanel. Here, search the Domains section and click Redirects, Now, a section can be seen to add a redirect. Here, fill the following fields to redirect URL, TypeThe type of redirect ... Read More

How to add a Favicon to Your WordPress Site?

George John
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:21


A favicon is a little icon visible on the web browser tab, just before the page title. It is generally a logo with the smaller size. You need to include a Site Icon in WordPress to add a favicon to your WordPress site. Login to your WordPress website and from the left menu; click Appearance, and then Customize − After that, you will reach the Theme Customization section. Under that, the first sub-section is Site Identity. From there, you need to go to the Site Icon and upload the icon. The size here is 512x512, from which the ... Read More
