How can I increase the page rank of my website?

Search engines including Google calculate your page rank through different and a very complicated chain of algorithms. In a layman’s word, your website is ranked on the basis of the number of backlinks, internal links, external links, inbound links, no-follow links and do-follow links. Most of the search engines analyze these links and allocate a page rank from 1 to 10 to your website. Following are the tips to improve page rank.

Quality Content

Undoubtedly, there is no substitute for high-quality content and if you maintain the flow of good content then half of the battle is won. In plain terms, quality content consists of uniqueness, engaging, relevant, keyword rich, confer good ideas, useful and helpful.

Guest Posting

Guest Posting is a tried-and-trusted method to boost your page rank. You can avail this facility from a number of websites which invite writers to post their content and provide them two or three backlinks in return to your blog. This practice proves to be very helpful if you have picked a good platform for your post with the similar niche as yours.

Article Submission

This is considered one of the most effective formulas to boost the page rank of your site because to make it happen you should have high-quality backlinks and by submitting your website to different web and article directories, you get those backlinks easily. Best of the Web, Yahoo Directory, Ezine Articles, Go Articles and Article Base are a few major platforms where you can submit articles and get quality backlinks.

Link Exchange

A very old but still very effective technique, Link Exchange can be very fruitful in order to boost your Page Rank. You should look for those sites which have higher Page Rank and then try to get them linked to your website. This will help your website get good page rank as well as an exalted boost in traffic. E.g.,, etc.

Keep Updating

Google loves those sites that keep their content unique and updated. The more frequently you post, you enhance your chances that Google will crawl your site most of the time. This exercise will surely help you get a great increase in Page Rank.

Comment on other Blogs

Considered one of the powerful moves, commenting on other blogs can fetch you the desired Page Rank. One must be very socially active in the blogging community. There are blogs that give you the option to-Do-Follow. Such blogs help you generate back links to your website by simply commenting on their posts. These days, most blogs have a plugin called CommentLuv installed on their website which automatically shares a link to their last blog post at the end of their comment.

Social Bookmarking

This is a very powerful way to bring your Page Rank on the top because by sharing your website on various social platforms you will get a free backlink as well as traffic and visibility. You can try the following most popular social bookmarking websites −

  • Facebook
  • Squidoo
  • Google Plus
  • Digg
  • Stumble Upon
  • Hub Page

Updated on: 26-Apr-2022


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