Found 264 Articles for Website

What are some amazing facts related to Facebook?

Updated on 25-Jun-2020 12:00:53


As of the first quarter of 2018, Facebook had 2.19 billion monthly active users. In the third quarter of 2012, the number of active Facebook users had surpassed one billion, making it the first social network ever to do so. Active users are those, which have logged in to Facebook during the last 30 days.The number of mobile Facebook users across the globe in 2018 is 1.34 Billion.Facebook's total quarterly revenue as of the first quarter of 2018 has amounted to 11.96 billion U.S. dollars, the majority of which were generated through advertising.24 Aug 2015, a billion people used Facebook ... Read More

How to choose a programming language to build a website?

Dev Kumar
Updated on 19-May-2022 11:02:06


It all begins with what purpose your website is going to serve. For the sake of better understanding, let's look at the logic theory of computing. Just as conventional languages fit a certain environment, computer languages are also created for specific programming environments that go on to run the websites that are built for those environments. For instance, if you're learning Japanese it would be for interaction with Japanese people and not for interaction with German people. Next, it's about another aspect of the environment that you would like to go to - a democracy with freedoms or a closed ... Read More

What are Google Algorithms and what importance do they have in digital marketing?

Dev Kumar
Updated on 19-May-2022 10:42:14


Google keeps making changes to its algorithms at regular intervals to improve different aspects of user experience on its search engine. These algorithm changes are referred to as 'Updates' by Google and users all over the world are always anxious about these updates. Of course, they come like a bolt from the blue because Google doesn't want to allow unethical users to find a way out too easily.The ImpactIn most cases, it is the digital marketing companies that feel the impact of these periodic updates from Google but it's also true that if these updates hadn't come, the search industry ... Read More

Why are online shopping sites becoming mobile shopping apps?

Dev Kumar
Updated on 19-May-2022 10:27:32


An online shopping site is a website which can be accessed through a computer which can be either a desktop or laptop. The website can also be accessed through a smartphone or tablet and both are mobile devices. In computers, because of higher data processing capacity and more functionality, all you need to do to access a shopping site is type the URL of the site in the browser and press 'enter'. However, on a mobile device like a smartphone or tablet, you may be able to open a shopping site but won't be able to make transactions, unless you ... Read More

Facebook is not safe anymore!! Biggest data Scandal on Facebook.

Prasanna Kotamraju
Updated on 04-May-2022 09:07:28


The day starts with checking facebook notifications. You cannot imagine any person from teenage to retirement age not using facebook nowadays. There are over 2 billion users all over the world!!The breakout of sensational news about the major misuse of Facebook data search tools has taken the world by storm. Facebook announced on Wednesday, 4th April, that the Cambridge Analytica, a political consultancy hired by the then-presidential candidate Donald Trump and other Republicans had improperly gathered detailed Facebook information on 87 million people, of whom 71 million were Americans.Facebook confirmed that "malicious actors" hacked the personal details of most of ... Read More

3d web pages products showcase (future tech)

Prasanna Kotamraju
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


This is how 3d web page will showcase the products -- #futuretechnology

Is it necessary to have a responsive website?

yashwanth sitamraju
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


It won't be surprising for you to hear that mobile phone usage has been increasing day by day. With the launch of modern smartphones hitting the market, much of the population now expect to be able to do many everyday tasks through their mobile phones. As more and more people are using mobile phones over desktop it is clear that the mobile phone is taking over desktops for internet surfing.The fundamental thing for a website is that it should be mobile friendly; it should be designed in such a way that it is equally compatible with mobile phones as well ... Read More

Which is the best Search Engine?

yashwanth sitamraju
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Being techy, I have tried almost all the existing search engines up till now and finally, I have come to the conclusion that Google stands way above than the rest at least for the time being. Know exactly why?Google search engine uses a powerful tool to filter your search. Without Google, it is practically impossible to find information based on your need.Google uses a special algorithm to generate results and however, it shares the general information and facts about its algorithm but the specifics are confidential and are a company secret.Google uses automated programs named Spider or Crawler and what ... Read More

What are the best plugins for building best and attractive website pages?

yashwanth sitamraju
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


A plugin is that piece of software that gives additional functionality to a website. These plugins help the web browser to display additional content and increases the functionality of a website and makes it look great.Websites are usually created using WordPress, so let us discuss some of the best "Free WordPress Plugins" to help in building best and attractive website pages.AkismetJetpackEverest formsYoast SEOGoogle XML SitemapsNivo SliderW3 Total CacheVaultPressUser RegistrationWP Smush

If Google and Yahoo merged, what do you think will be the name of the new company?

Prasanna Kotamraju
Updated on 27-Jun-2020 09:51:42


If Google and Yahoo merged, the name of the company can be "Goohoo" or "Yagle" or "Yaagoo" or entirely different name as "Qries".
