Found 109 Articles for Governments & Policies

Is caste-wise reservation a boon or a bane for India?

Rashmi Iyer
Updated on 27-Jun-2020 14:56:30


“You cannot build anything on the foundation of caste. Anything that you will build on the foundations of caste will crack and will never be a whole”- Dr. B.R. AmbedkarThe institution of caste in India came into existence mainly to create a division of labor and specialization in the economy. However, what caste system turned out to become over a period of time has till date remained one of the worst social issues deep-rooted in Indian society. It has marginalized the lower castes in such a manner that becoming a part of mainstream society has become a distant dream for ... Read More

What are the reasons for Gorkhaland agitation in Darjeeling?

Rashmi Iyer
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Regionalism has been a complicated issue in Indian politics since independence and one of the forms of regionalism that has been seen in the country is the demand for separate statehood. Though the issue is of less serious nature than secession as there is no ideology of breaking away from the Indian Union, it too has caused a lot of political instability. Gorkhaland agitation has begun in Darjeeling since Independence when India signed a Treaty of Friendship with Nepal.Following points elaborate on the Gorkhaland agitation that has emerged in Darjeeling:-History of GorkhasGorkhas are originally from Nepal, who have been living ... Read More

What is the difference between IAS and IPS?

Rashmi Iyer
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Indian Administrative Services (IAS) and Indian Police Service (IPS) are the first two All India Services recruited by the Union Public Service Commission through competitive examinations. Though both are All India Services there are some major differences between the two. Following are some of the points through which we distinguish the nature of IAS and IPS:TrainingWhile the foundational training remains the same for both the IAS and IPS probationers, which is conducted at the Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration, the IAS probationers continue to stay in the academy for their professional training and the IPS probationers are sent ... Read More

What is the importance of the Consumer Protection Act?

Rashmi Iyer
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


The Consumer Protection Act was passed in the year 1986. It is considered an important milestone in the legal history of India. With globalization, we observe that there is a plethora of goods and services. It is important for a Consumer to have important support in purchasing the right goods and services and have their grievances redressed whenever they arise in some occasions.Consumer and SellerThe first very important aspect of this Act is, that it clarifies on the point that who is a consumer? and who is the seller? A Consumer is a person who buys goods and services for ... Read More

What is the reason behind Naxalism in India and how can we get rid of it?

Rashmi Iyer
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Naxalism as an alarming issue took roots in India in from the early 1960s. It began as a movement to oppose the ‘Zamindari System’. The roots of Naxalism started deepening with the incident that happened on 24th May 1967 where a landlord was attacked and a peasant riot emerged which sparked the flame of the massive fire.Following are the causes that Naxalism has become one of the biggest challenges in India today.Colonial Legacy and impact on agriculture − The British rule in India somewhere sowed the seeds of Naxalism. The Zamindari and taxation served as a severe blow to the ... Read More

Welcome to the Gig Economy

Prasanna Kotamraju
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


A Gig Economy is the environment in which temporary and flexible opportunities take over permanent and full-time jobs. Gig Economy is the antonym of the traditional economy where full time and permanent employees focus on a lifetime career.A gig economy is an environment in which temporary positions are common and organizations contract with independent workers for short-term engagements. The trend of Gig Economy has already started in the USA. It is predicted that by 2020, 40% of the jobs will be filled by contract employees and freelancers.There are a number of forces behind the rise in these kinds of short-term ... Read More

No Parking Fee for first 30 minutes .. New parking policy in Telangana from 1st April 2018.

Prasanna Kotamraju
Updated on 11-May-2022 07:27:44


Everybody knows the parking troubles in metro cities. After accomplishing the great task of driving in the traffic and reaching the destination starts the real challenge, how to get a good and hassle-free parking place. The parking places provided by the Commercial complexes, shops, and malls are charging huge parking fee without considering the duration and purpose of visit.In view of all these, Telangana Government came up with a Government Order, MS.No.63 on 20.03.2018. Much to the relief of the vehicle users, the government has issued orders considering duration and purpose of the visit made.Up to first 30 mins − ... Read More

RBI Circular: Banks should pay penalty for every failed ATM Transaction !!!

Prasanna Kotamraju
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Gone are those days of standing in long lines to withdraw money. In every corner of the country there are ATM's of all major banks and the most illiterate persons also know how to use ATMs to withdraw cash, which is a boon in today's busy life.But how many of us know about the rights and privileges we have regarding the usage of ATMs. There are many such things which even a highly educated man is not aware of and Banks are very happy to ignore them.In the event of a failed ATM transaction and the amount being debited from ... Read More

H1 B visa process started off for this year on 2nd April with more tough screening!!

Prasanna Kotamraju
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Every Indian employee working in MNCs in India or America only dream about H1-B visa which gives them job security in the US for a fixed time period up to 6 years. Initially, an H1-B visa will be granted for 3 years, which can be extended for 3 more years.It is the Visa approved by the United States under the Immigration and Nationality Act, section 101(a)(15)(H) which allows U.S. employers to employ foreign workers in specialty occupations. The US government sets a limit of 65, 000 H1-B visas per year.This year earlier in March, the US government has temporarily suspended ... Read More

Indian companies have dramatically reduced their H1-B visa filings this year !!

Prasanna Kotamraju
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


The Indian IT companies, who were earlier accused of flooding H1_B visa applications have dramatically reduced their H-1B visa filings after Trump's administration has taken a hard-line anti-immigration stance this year.The visa process for the 2019 fiscal year beginning October 1, has started on 2nd April 2018. It was shocking to notice that there was a lot of reluctance from Indian companies to file H1-B of their employees.In this present scenario, of certain uncertainties in the US immigration system, there are some arguments that foreign-born workers are good for both the US economy and US-born workers as they provide good ... Read More
