Found 174 Articles for Careers

What does a food blogger need in order to establish himself?

Ridhi Arora
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Food blogging is fun. This is what is thought by many of us when we go through certain pictures of lip-smacking food in Instagram with various hashtags such as food porn, food lover, insta-foodie, food is love and so on.Struggle Behind Every SuccessWe must not forget that no success comes easy. It is rightly said that “Rome was not built in a day.” So, if one has to achieve laurels in life, one has to strive and pine, since there is no shortcut to name and fame.What Does A Food Blogger Should Do?1. Make Contacts: Clicking pictures with a DSLR ... Read More

What is more important in today's world qualification or soft skills?

Ridhi Arora
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


There is no denying in the fact that both qualification and soft skills are essential to move forward in our journey of life nowadays. Nobody can admit that only one out of these is sufficient and if someone, by chance feels so, he or she is mistaken.Importance of QualificationOur qualification plays a major role in case there is a job that requires candidates with M.B.A. or B.Tech. Now, how can someone, who does not have these degrees get a job there? A good qualification improves our chances of secure and settled life in the future.A good qualification is a must ... Read More

Is it true that opportunity knocks only once?

Ridhi Arora
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


It is a common saying that, ” Opportunity seldom knocks twice.” But, it is a saying which I believe is subject to analysis on one’s own.Opportunity Was for Once OnlyConsider the scenario wherein a girl who wants to pursue her dreams of becoming an IAS Officer. Her parents want her to be settled in her life, but at the same time, they wish her to be married at the right age, as they say in India depending upon the religion she belongs to.Upon much persuasion by her parents, the girl pleads with her parents to give her one single chance ... Read More

What are the top digital marketing certification exams?

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Digital Marketing is the present day career on a boom. It is a way of advertising that provides many ways of online platforms for your product or service, unlike the traditional ways of advertising.To get established yourself as a digital marketing expert, it is always better to get certified. Google AdWords Certification and HubSpot Inbound Certification are the ones which are available for free. You can even try applying them again if you fail to succeed in your initial attempts.Preparing for the HubSpot Inbound Certification enables you to optimize your website and content, helps in making customers as brand promoters ... Read More

Which city is best for a Six Sigma Black Belt holders in India?

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


If you are already working, it is always better to go with your company’s preferences and hence get certified through your company’s program. But if want to opt for something else, it’s good to get certified. You can go for Six Sigma black belt certification, once you have completed the green belt certification.Widely RecommendedWhen it comes to doing certifications, the most widely recommended answer is American Society for Quality, in short ASQ. The head office of ASQ is situated at Wisconsin, US. In India, ASQ India has its head office at New Delhi and regional offices at Pune and Chennai.The ... Read More

What points should one keep in mind while dealing with theme writing?

Ridhi Arora
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Theme writing is very important under the banner of Academic writing. One must keep it crisp and clear in order to avoid any confusion in it.Things to keep in mind for Theme WritingUnity: All your sentences should work around a central idea. This will happen only when at the beginning itself we know about the keywords and the key sentence in the paragraph. The key sentence in the paragraph defines our field of work or the subject matter of our creative flow of thoughts. We must strategically confine ourselves to eliminate ourselves from any sort of digression from our themeCoherence: ... Read More

What does one need in order to become a politician in India?

Ridhi Arora
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Politics is a rewarding profession but only if you have that tact and patience to move further on this path. The best thing about politics is that it can be joined at any time of your life and at any point in your education.What to do to become a politician in India?A Relevant Degree: A suitable degree like the one in political science helps a lot. But that does not mean that every person who wishes to become a politician must be a graduate in Political Science.Access Yourself: Do you have that flair for public speaking? Are you able to convince your ... Read More

Which out of Ph.D. or qualifying NET exam is better for students pursuing Master’s degree in Literature?

Ridhi Arora
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


First of all, it must be borne in mind that whatever step one takes in life-related to a course or degree, should be taken keeping in mind what does one need to achieve next or pursue next having this degree in hand. The same goes for all streams of education in India currently. Having said that, if I were to answer which out of Ph. D or NET exam in better to go with for Students pursuing masters in English Literature, again it varies from person to person.When to Choose Ph.D. over NETIf you are a sort of person who ... Read More

Why is social reputation necessary for the scientific community people?

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Social reputation is a common desire for every human being. Having lived in a society, any person acquires some reputation depending on the behavior, etiquettes, profession, maintenance, nature etc. from the people around him. When we refer to a group of people who belong to a certain community, they usually form societies and communities and plan activities as we witness in social media daily, to increase their social reputation. Such activities often involve social causes.Scientific Community PeoplePeople who took science as their profession, especially Scientists, researchers, scholars etc. can be referred to as Scientific Community people. Unlike normal people, they ... Read More

Are certified courses undertaken from Coursera are worthy from a Job and Interview point of view?

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Coursera is a Californian based company that provides online education which is founded by Andrew Ng and Daphne Koller. They offer more than 2, 000 online courses, degrees, and specializations in a wide variety of subjects like engineering, medicine, computer science, mathematics, social sciences, data sciences, humanities, biology, digital marketing etc. for which there are more than 28 million registered users. Coursera works with universities and other organizations to authenticate the courses offered. Such courses are called MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) where you get everything online.Trending and WorthyThe Coursera courses are a great resource for students and working professionals ... Read More
