What are some common mistakes hiring managers to see on resumes?

A resume can make or break your job prospects with a company. While a professionally made resume does help you present your skills the desired way to the hiring company, there are some common mistakes on the resume that the hiring managers identify and they can prove disastrous for your job prospects.

Typo Errors

Silly mistakes in typing, grammar, spellings, or errors in formatting can be suicidal for your career before it even starts. So, make sure that you proofread the resume before handing it over to the hiring managers, as they will spot these mistakes first.

Lack of Clarity

The resume is crisp, clear, and up to the point. The hiring managers should be able to relate to your skills, past work history, or any relevant fields based on their requirement.

Avoid Misinformation

Providing misleading or fraudulent information is a big no, no. Please remember that it's not okay to add any skills or experience that does not belong to you. It's unethical and experienced hiring managers have the right tools to identify misinformation.

No Objective Statement

Objective statements are outdated and don't really matter these days. There are chances that your objective may not match with the recruiters and so, it's better not to add them.

Too Many Details

Be relevant and to the point. Hiring managers are not interested in too short or too long resumes. So, keep it precise.

Unexplained Gaps

This is crucial. Many of us have such gaps between the last employment and the next one. Make sure that you provide a logical and valid explanation, or you may be outright rejected.

Incorrect Contact Details

Correct contact details are extremely crucial for the prospective job. Avoid quirky email ids. A resume is not the place for such gimmicks unless you want to be blacklisted by the recruiters.

Updated on: 26-Apr-2022


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