PMBOK® Guide - 5th Edition Changes

PMI has refined PMBOK further, and introduces various minor and major changes. This chapter gives a description of most of the changes done.

Major Changes:

Here are major changes done in PMBOK-5:

  • The knowledge area has been increased by one where "Project Stakeholder Management" has been added newly.

  • PMI kept all the process groups unchanged which is still 5 but there are 5 more processes have been added.

  • There is a considerable change in Input, Output and Tools & techniques which now have been increased to 614.

Here is comparitive chart for the two standards:

AreaPMBOK 4th EditionPMBOK 5th Edition
Stages5 Process groups5 Process groups
Topics9 knowledge areas10 knowledge areas
Processes42 Processes47 Processes

Knowledge Areas

A new knowledge area has been added in PMBOK 5th edition.

PMBOK 4th EditionPMBOK 5th Edition
Human ResourceHuman Resource

Changes in Processes

There have been minor changes in terminologies from 4th to 5th edition:

PMBOK 4th EditionPMBOK 5th Edition
Direct and Manage Project ExecutionDirect and Manage Project Work
Verify ScopeValidate Scope
Plan QualityPlan Quality Management
Perform Quality ControlControl Quality
Develop Human Resource PlanPlan Human Resource Management
Plan CommunicationsPlan Communication Management
Distribute InformationManage Communications
Report PerformanceControl Communications
Monitor and Control RisksControl Risks
Plan ProcurementsPlan Procurement Management
Administer ProcurementsControl Procurements
Identify Stakeholders Moved toIdentify Stakeholders

New Processes added in PMBOK-5

Following new processes have been added newly in PMBOK-5.

  • Plan Scope Management

  • Plan Schedule Management

  • Plan Cost Management

  • Plan Stakeholder Management

  • Control Stakeholders Management
