SoloLearn Alternatives

What is SoloLearn?

SoloLearn is a platform where you can find code challenges, quizzes, and short lessons which will help you in learning programming languages. Lessons on this platform have been designed for beginners who do not have any experience with programming languages and coding. The app can be downloaded for Android and iOS devices from Google Play Store and Apple App Store respectively. The platform consists of 25 courses for Python, C, C++, SQL, JavaScript and more. You will find textual content which is easy to grasp in comparison to videos and audio.

Price Plans of SoloLearn

SoloLearn has three price plans and the price of each of them can be found in the table below −

Plan Cost
Basic $0 per month
Annual $69.99 per year ($5.83 per month billed yearly)
Monthly $12.99 per month

The yearly plan provides a free trial of 14 days but no trial is available for the monthly plan.

Why SoloLearn Alternatives?

  • The monthly plan does not have a free trial

  • Courses are available for beginners

  • No instructors are available to provide help for different problems

How to Choose a SoloLearn Alternative?

SoloLearn has many advantages and some of them are listed below −

  • Courses on SoloLearn are available for free

  • Study for any test or exam easily

  • Courses teach about web development and accessibility

  • The number of courses available is 25

These advantages should be taken into account while looking for SoloLearn alternatives.

Top 10 SoloLearn Alternatives

SoloLearn alternatives are many and in this article, we will discuss the top ones in detail.

Alternative 1 – W3Schools

W3Schools is a platform where you can find courses related to web development. The courses are related to HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, and SQL. If you are a beginner or an expert professional, you can go for these courses to enhance your knowledge and get an increment in your salary. The website consists of different types of tutorials which you can go through and practice the codes.

Alternative 2 – Codecademy

Codecademy is a platform which you can use to learn technical skills which will help you to get a job easily. It is one of the leading platforms in the field of online learning and is a great alternative to SoloLearn. The platform is currently being used by more than 45 million users who can learn programming languages like CSS, HTML, JavaScript, Data Science, and many more.

Alternative 3 – is one of the best SoloLearn alternatives. It is an online learning platform which has been developed for those people whose aim is to improve their programming skills. The app comes with a lot of features and provides many courses related to Android development, AWK, Apache Spark, MATLAB, JavaScript, and many more. Millions of users use this free platform to become professional software developers. A community of programmers and designers is also attached to this platform.

Alternative 4 – BitDegree

BitDegree is a powerful online learning platform which has been powered by Blockchain. Crypto and digital skill courses are available on this platform. Some of these courses include CSS, HTML, PHP, JavaScript, etc. Crypto courses are not available on SoloLearn. If users complete a courses they get a reward through the reward system of BitDegree. The tokens they receive can be used for the funding of other courses they want to pursue.

Alternative 5 – Codedamn

Codedamn is another best alternative to SoloLearn. The platform consists of highly interactive courses which you can study and then practice the concepts. There is a learning path which will help you to complete your courses easily. The courses include videos, quizzes, articles, and practice tests which will help you to become an expert professional.

Alternative 6 – GeeksforGeeks

GeeksforGeeks is a platform where you can take up courses related to computer science. A large number of online courses can be found on the platform and some of them include

  • Data Science

  • Algorithms

  • Programming languages

Many courses besides these are also available. You can also find tutorials, practice questions, quizzes, etc. which will help you in grasping the concepts easily. Most of the content available on the website can be accessed for free.

Alternative 7 – Qvault

Qvault is a platform where you will not find many courses but you can find one course for each relevant topic. The material available on this platform is in the form of game-like manner which helps to learn the course easily. The platform has only a web interface and can be opened on any popular browser. This is one of the fantastic alternatives to SoloLearn.

Alternative 8 – edX

edX is an online platform where you can find a lot of free courses which have been taken up from various popular universities of the world. The courses available on this platform include computer science, engineering, psychology, big data, and many more. The user-friendly interface of the app can be used easily. Millions of users are using the platform to learn these courses.

Alternative 9 – Udemy

Udemy is a great platform that offers more than 170,000 courses which is much more than the number of courses provided by SoloLearn which provides only 25 courses. The platform consists of courses related to music, IT, software, and many more. Thousands of courses can be found in the development category. You can also attend classes related to data science, web development, machine learning, etc.

Alternative 10 – Codeasy

Codeasy is an online learning platform and a great alternative to SoloLearn. The tool has been designed for beginners who want to learn C#. The platform can be used by novice as well as experienced programmers. The platform consists of video tutorials along with assignments which help students to learn the course easily. You need to create an account to learn the free courses available on this platform.


SoloLearn is an online learning platform which consists of 25 courses related to different programming languages. Courses available on this platform are for beginners and you will not find any instructor to resolve your problems. If you find difficulty in learning through this platform you can go for SoloLearn alternatives like W3Schools, BitDegree, Qvault, Codeasy, and many more.

Updated on: 04-Oct-2023


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